fool for you - Kim Chaewon

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The golden hour set a perfect view as the day slowly turned into night. The sound of people chatting and laughing in the background filled the air. The birds flew freely in the air, singing to each other as they harmonize beautifully. How could a moment become any better than this?

In the cozy afternoon at Han River, a couple can be seen sitting comfortably as they watch the beauty scenery surround them.

*Chaewon POV*

"Ya, Jeon Y/N" I called him softly as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Hmm?" he answered softly.

"Do you ever imagine how beautiful life would be if it stays like this forever?" I asked him curiously.

"What? All of a sudden? Why are you asking such question?" he replied in quite a confused tone.

"Aish, just answer the question won't you" I said while glaring at him.

"Hmm... I don't know for sure. One thing that I know is that now I'm enjoying every second of the moment we're having right now. This cozy atmosphere feels like they trying to tell me that life is beautiful and everything will always be okay." he answered softly as he enjoys the golden sun setting the perfect mood.

"Right? Why can't life just stay like this forever? We don't need to worry about our work, responsibilities or anything" I said softly then proceed to let out a sigh.

"Well, Chaewon-ah. I bet everyone in this world would want the same thing, but we all know it's impossible don't we?" he respond.

"Mmh, you're right." I said while giving a soft nod.


There she goes again, going with her fantasy and sentimental stuff. She's always been like this ever since we knew each other back in elementary school. Her melancholy side is somehow what makes me interested to be friends with her. She's just unique.

"Going with your melancholy stuff again?" I asked her as I look her in the eyes.

"Why? You don't like it?" she said while giving me a cute pout.

I couldn't help but to chuckle. "Me? Did I ever say anything about not liking this side of yours?"

"Hmm you sure?" she asked.

"Yeah, a hundred percent sure. In fact, this side of yours is the one that makes me interested in you. It made curious about you the first time we met back in elementary school" I answered while patting her head.

"Yah, Jeon Y/N, why do you like to pat my head so much?" she asked me while still maintaining her pout.

"Because... You like it? Do you remember back then, whenever you're having trouble or going through hard time, you said that a pat would always calm you down, right?" I asked her, reminiscing the memories we had cause we've been friends for years.

"You're right. It feels like your pat has some sort of magical thing. It always comforts me and wipes all my problems away" she said softly while giggling a bit.

"Ah there you go again with that poetic sentimental stuff"

"I don't care, I'm just being myself since you said you're loving this side of me" she replied cutely to me while sticking out her tongue.

The two then continued to talk about a lot of things. Knowing the fact that they had been friends for years, it was just impossible for them to run out of topics.

Drowned in an endless talk, the sun had totally set and the golden sky had turned into a beautiful dark night sky.

A phone call suddenly interrupted their talk, kind of breaking the mood they shared together. Y/N then excused himself as he picked up the phone out of his pocket, leaving Chaewon quite unsatisfied.

*Chaewon POV*

Aigoo, why all of a sudden? I was literally having one of the best moment in my life chilling with him.

"Chaewon-ah, sorry but I really had to pick it up" Y/N said as he just finished his call.

"Ah it's okay Y/N. Who is it by the way?"

Just as I asked him, his phone suddenly lit up with its screen facing me. A notification popped up showing a message from someone named...


"Ah it's Yuri, Chaewon-ah."

He answered then continued to check on his phone. Immidately replied to her chat as if something urgent really came up.

"Chaewon-ah, I'm so sorry but I think I really gotta be going for now. Yuri said we need to check on something for our wedding preparation."

"Ah I see... It's next month, isn't it?"

"Mmh, you're right. I'm actually sad knowing that you won't be able to attend it, Chae."

"Yea it's such a shame that my appointment in Busan can't be rescheduled."

"I know right? What kind of best friend are you not to attend the biggest event of my life?" he teased me while giving a very adorable pout, the cutest one I've ever seen in my life.

"Yah don't be like that! Just one absence from a girl won't ruin your big day. Though I won't be there, I'll always support you wherever and whenever, I'll be happy for you, always."

What am I even saying? Why do I even lie  to myself.

"Just kidding, Chae. Thanks for the support anyway. Forever I'll be grateful to have a very best friend like you in my life."

"Of course, Y/N, that's what friends... no, that's what best friends are for."

"Right. Anyway I think we should really get going now. I don't wanna make Yuri angry by being late. Let's go, I'll drive you home first." he offered.

"Sure, let's go."

Best friend? I don't even know whether to be happy or sad about it. The fact that I've been the closest person to you for years is just something that I should be grateful for.

But somehow it feels like I'm lying to myself if I say that I don't wanna be more than a best friend to you. I've known you for more than 10 years. And the truth is, I've been in love with you for that period of time. I've liked you since the first time we met back in elementary school, and my feelings towards you, my admiration, my love, has just grown even more as the time goes by.

Guess I was stupid for holding it for such a long time. Guess I was stupid not to confess my feelings towards you. Guess I was a fool for you.

Had I told you the truth way sooner, would everything be different?

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