Like Water - Wendy

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It was a cold autumn night where Wendy just arrived home after finishing her live radio performance. She went inside, where she could see a man was sleeping on his messy desk, with a laptop that was still on and papers all over the place. A man that's no other than her boyfriend, Y/N.

"Gosh, did he only eat noodle for dinner?"

There goes Wendy mumbling slowly as she saw a leftover cup of noodle alongside a can of a beer at the table.

She was about to clean up his desk when she suddenly heard a soft voice calling out her name.

"Mmhhh... Wendy-ah, why the fuck are you so pretty?" said the unconscious man who was drowned in his what we could say a wet dream, maybe.

Wendy could only chuckle at his boyfriend's behavior. She tapped his shoulder gently several times, a touch that's filled with love in every gesture of it.

"Y/N-ah, wakey wakey, I'm here" said Wendy cutely.

"M-mmhh, ah? O-oh Wendy-ah?? You're home? Oh my goodness I must've fallen asleep" He replied immediately the moment he saw an angelic woman standing before his eyes.

"Gwaenchana-yo, chagiya. What's wrong with falling asleep tho?" She replied as she patted his head softly, smiling.

"A-anirago. Wait, let me wash my face real quick" He stood up then proceeded to go to the bathroom, leaving Wendy at his messy table.

Wendy stood still, spectating at his boyfriend's messy desk with many stuff going on here and there. She noticed a sticky notes beside the laptop with nine bold words written on it, "WENDY LIVE PERFORM AT 8, DO NOT FALL ASLEEP!"

With one final look, she let out a soft sigh. "Y/N-ah, you don't really have to..." She added a slow mumble, then proceeded to tidy up his messy desk.

"You could've ordered some food too, Y/N-ah" She mumbled again as she picked up the cup of noodle before throwing it to the bin.

Just after finishing up his desk, she softly put her butt on the couch and resting her head comfortably.

"Babe, come here" She called his boyfriend who just went back from the bathroom.

"Wendy-ah... I'm so sorry..." He suddenly clinged himself onto Wendy's chest. Regret could be seen from the way he spoke. The tone, the look, and the stare, all signified a true apology.

"Mmh? What are you apologizing for?" She asked as she patted and playing with his hair gently.

"I-I, shouldn't have fallen asleep. I don't know babe, my boss recently gave me so much workload to do. It was my partner's job in the first place but without giving clear reasons he told me to do it" He pouted.

"What? That's not really a leader behavior to treat his empolyee that way" She symphatized at his boyfriend who was in a gloomy mood.

"I'm sorry Wendy-ah. I tried to finish it as soon as possible so I could watch your live performance. But it turned out I fell asleep in the proccess..." He said as he tried his best not to let his tears out.

"I'm a bad boyfriend, aren't I?" He lifted his head and stared at his girlfriend's diamond eyes.

"What? No babe. Please, don't say any of those words ever again" She comforted him.

"But I missed your performance. I couldn't be there with you at the radio, and I couldn't even watch it live on TV. I'm truly sorry, Wendy-ah"

This time, a sob could be heard from his tone, his shaky breath, as he clinged his head once more onto Wendy's chest.

Wendy let him be. Crying his heart out, letting all the emotions he was feeling to be expressed. She, on the other hand couldn't hold her emotion as well as she started to shed some tears with him.

"Babe" She said softly as she lifted Y/N's head. "I never ask anything more than your love, right?"

"I know but-"

Wendy cut him before he could even finish his sentence.

"Perfection isn't part of our nature. In fact, I was worried about you. You didn't have a proper dinner, all you ate was a cup of noodle with beer. Also, I was touched when I saw your sticky notes saying not to miss my performance"

All those words left Y/N frozen. As if it's trying to tell him to be grateful to have such a mature girlfriend as Wendy.

"For me, it's more than enough. You may not be there with me when I performed, but the fact that you tried your best, that's more than enough to show how much you love me, babe" She added.

"Wendy-ah, I..."

"It's okay, babe. Now I'm here with you, everything's fine"

Wendy and Y/N stared at each other, the meaningful stare filled with trust, passion and love.

"Your love... it's like water" He said as he grabbed Wendy's hand.

"What you mean by that?" She replied.

"It heals me. It embraces me and makes me... rise again" He said while throwing a soft smile, looking proudly at his lovely girlfriend.

"You surely know how to interpret my song don't you?" She replied, chuckling, which then followed by him.

"Now it's late, why don't we take a deep breath and rest ourselves for today. Perhaps, do a little game before we sleep?" She said while giving a playful look.

"Ah Wendy-ah. Just for your information, I just had that little game with you in my dream when I slept earlier" He replied.

"Then, what about playing it in real life?" She offered.

He pecked her on the lips. "Well... I'm down for it. Shall we?"

It made her chuckled, then proceeded to grab his arm and take him to the bedroom.

"Don't worry, babe. Let's do it and rest for today. By the time you open your eyes, everything will be fine"

We're destined
We complete each other and comfort one another
It makes you heal
Like water
(Chorus, Wendy - Like Water)

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