Overthink - Irene

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If someone were to ask me what love is, how should I answer?

Loving has always been part of human nature. We were born to love, and if we get lucky someone will definitely love us back.

But, as far as it goes, it will come to an end eventually, right?

"Haven't I told you many times that I don't want to be disturbed when I'm watching?"

Irene asked you, with a fierce look on her face, staring dead straight into your soul.

"Woah chill, babe. I'm hungry and planning to order chicken, just offering if you'd like some" you replied softly, scared of that intimidating look she gave you.

Irene gave you no respond. She looked away then focusing her eyes back on the TV.

"Umm... babe?" you shook her shoulder gently.

"Whatever. Do what you wanna do" she replied shortly.

"Well, okay..."

You then left her alone on the couch. As you stepped away, you stared at her, spectating an ethereal woman who looked so gorgeous despite being in a sulky mood.

People do come and go. But, what about love? Does it work the same way?

Loving someone is natural, but what if they stop loving you? What if they... run out of love?

People tend to get bored. What if they're bored of you? What if you're not capable of delivering something that always makes them happy? What if they see something they don't like about you? What if they see something other pople have but you don't?

*doorbell ringing*

You were in the toilet as you could hear the bell ringing.

"Babe, I think it's the food" you shouted from inside the toilet.

Irene didn't answer. She maintained all her attention to the TV she was watching. She didn't even stood up from the couch to open the door despite hearing the bell.

The bell continued to ring, making you feel uncomfortable as you were having your 'business' in the toilet.

"Shit, guess I really have to do it" you mumbled slowly to yourself as you were rushing to get out.

As the bell continued to ring, you quickly walked towards the door to receive the food you ordered.

You then approached Irene who was still laying comfortably on the couch.

"Hey hey, a movie isn't complete without a food. Let's enjoy it together!" you offered her as you opened the package.

"Go ahead, I'm not hungry yet" she replied to you blandly.

Her response completely turned you down. All you tried to do was to offer her some food and enjoy it together.

"Best to eat while it's still warm tho" you said to her, only to receive no respond.

"Well, I'll eat it in the dining room then. Join me anytime" you added.

Once again, Irene gave you no answer but a simple nod. You then proceeded to leave her.

This is what I don't like about her. Everytime she watches a movie or series, it's like she's lost in a world of her own.

But, she's never been this ignorant. Also the fact that she's been acting cold more often lately. This surely bothers me a bit.

What if I accidentaly did something wrong that upset her. Or what if she simply got bored of me? The thought of her might unlove me at some point does make me scared.

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