my dearest, kim. - Kim Chaewon

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'why can't we for once say what we want, say what we feel? take a chance with me'

At least that's what Niki from 88rising once said in her song.

I really wanted to take the risk and the chance. But, how could I? When the person I like is you.

The untouchable, the unreachable, the Kim Chaewon.

1st year of school, I was only a transferee student who didn't give a shit bout nothing. However, I could not bear the fact that people have always been talking and mentioning your name over and over again.

And so, I looked for you, I searched for you. Until that day, I found you. Sitting there silently with book in your hand, along with the headset that's barely hanging from your ears. You looked... I've no words to describe. No wonder people always say that messy bun suits you perfectly.

From that very moment, I've come to realization that people were right. You are one heck of a person. The one that awakened the passion within me to know you better.

Quite stupid, quite shitty, I joined every club you went to, participated in every competition you went to. I tried everything to know what's so special about you, not knowing the answer was always there, standing before my eyes.

"What time are you available?" Chaewon asked as we were just wrapping up things at the library.

"I'm free this weekend. Why?" I replied shortly.

"Ms Kang wants us to meet her, preparing for the upcoming debate competition" She said in such a bland tone, not even looking at my eyes.

I gave her no response but to simply nod my head.

"Hey, Kim Y/N" She added, this time I could finally see her eyes staring dead straight into mine.

"Y-yes yes, okay. Just tell me the time and place and I'll be there" I replied.

That look she just gave me, no wonder why she's the class president. She definitely has every material to be a leader.

"Saturday at 2pm, here" She said shortly then began to walk away.

"Copy that, Kim" I said as I followed her immediately.

She stopped and turned around at me, "For God's sake could you please stop calling me that?"

I only smiled as I kept on walking past her.

The next day, I arrived on time. All I saw was only Ms Kang there. No signs of Chaewon showing up anytime soon. Minutes of waiting, Ms Kang and I decided to just start the session.

4 pm, everything's done. After Ms Kang and I waved goodbye, I went home straight away. I sent her tons of reports and material for the upcoming competition. I even did the arrangment and distribution for both mine and her work.

Few weeks later, it was past school hour when I spotted Chaewon was looking busy at the library all by herself.

"What brings you to stay here longer than you're supposed to?" I asked as I joined her.

"I need to finish my group assignment, due date's coming to me like crazy" She answered as she kept on typing on her laptop.

Her answer made me raised my eyebrow as I came up with the question, "Huh? Where are your group mates?"

"Fuck my group mates. I should've gone solo for this assignment. Why should it even be a group work tho" She said in a flat tone but I could sense the urgency. Deep inside I know she's actually whining.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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