°Bill x Reader°•fluff•

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~Y/n POV~

I get up in the morning to start my day, and i notice Bill has ready gotten up. I get out of bed and begin getting dressed as I here Bill walk in the room. "Good morning Meine Liebe" Bill says with a smile as he wraps his arms around my waist.

" good morning Darling " I say as I turn around in his arms to look at him. I put my arms on his shoulders and give him a soft kiss on the lips which we both soon melt into.

His kisses make me feel like I'm floating on air and the touch of his skin on mine always makes me feel safe and loved. I get butterfly's every time I feel his touch.

Bill looked at me as he breaks the kiss, "schön wie immer meine Liebe" Bill says making me blush. "Darling I have to get ready to work" I say as I giggle

"So unfair love.." Bill reluctantly let's go and sits on the bed. After I finish getting ready I walk over to Bill. He is now watching TV.

" I love you Darling I'll be back in time for movie night I promise." I say as I kiss him. Bill pulls me down to his lap still kissing me. I giggle as he releases me from the kiss " 5 more minutes.. Please?" Bill says with pouty eyes. God how can I say no.?

"Alright. 5 minutes then I HAVE to leave for work ok?" I says as I place one Hand on his cheek. Bills eyes light up as he kisses me and pills away "Deal!!!" He says with a big smile and wraps his arms around my waits.

Bills POV

I wrap my arms around her waist I can't believe she said yes to another 5 minute normally she says no but this make me happy. I pilled her into a soft but Passionate kiss. God I love her so much!

I gently run one hand through y/n hair carefully, not to mess it up at all, I begin to realize its almost Been 5 minutes and I release y/n from the kiss. "I love you have a good day my love" I say as I let y/n stand up. She kisses me one last time and grabs her keys. " I love you to baby." She says as she walks out the door.

As y/n leaves I get up and begin to prepare everything we need for tonight's movie night.

~Time skip~

Your POV

I arrive home to find Bill has already prepared everything for movie night. "Bill, Baby I'm home!!" I say as I set mt keys down on the counter. I here Bill rush in from the bedroom and he quickly grabs me by my waist and pulls me into a hug.

"Baby I'm so happy your home! I missed you so much" he said kissing me softly. " I missed you too my love, let me go get changed and we can start the movie" I say with a smile. Bill nods and let's go, he goes and sits on the couch and I go Change.

I come out to the living room after changing and snuggle up to Bill and he puts his arms around me and starts the movie. We eat popcorn and laugh at the movie.
" I love you so much" bill says and the movie ends.

"I love you too" I say with a smile as he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He set me down gently on one aide and get into bed on the other side. I turn over as he grabs me and pulls me on top of him.

Without saying a word we kiss softly and break every few seconds for air. Then i lay my head down on his chest and we peacefully fall asleep together.


Its super late but I hope you enjoy it please let me know what you think and leave Any comments / suggestions on that I should do next goodnight✌️😋
~word count: 685~

Tom and Bill Kaulitz x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now