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Hey my loves, so while working on the next oneshot I had an idea. because this book is getting a bit too long, what would you all think of a new book, a spin off, or a book 2 of oneshot, but instead of each chapter being a simple oneshot, it would be a sort of small story for each chapter, but this means each chapter would be longer then the original oneshots as each "oneshot" would be a small, (but completed)l story of its own for each chapter.

also, what would you all think if I added a few other fandoms in with this book, like Sam and Colby, The boys (Eddie vr, juicy, mully, Your narrator, and josh dub), and possible Ree Kid? and if you have any other fandoms you might be in let me know that as well, and what you think of this idea.

Tom and Bill Kaulitz x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now