°Bill x Reader°•SMUT•

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I First met Bill at one of his bands shows the band is Tokio Hotel.
, I was a producer in training. I was to watch Tokio Hotel perform and take note of how things were done. I loved seeing them perform but something happened that night that changed my relationship with Bill forever. It changed it for the Better. At the time I had known Bill for just a little over 6 years. We were childhood friends. And at the time I also had a boyfriend. His name was Marco. When me and Marco first started dating, he would always bring me flowers and tell me ''how lucky he was to have me'' and how much he ''just loved me so much''

Bill, had never liked Marco. He would always tell me Marco was a lier and was cheating on me but of course, I Never believed Bill. I know now I should have. "Y/n I'm telling you..he's cheating on you. He's no good and he's going to hurt you. You know how much I care about you.." Bill said as he walked off the stage after the show. I was on my phone texting Marco. Bill was always suspicious of Marco "Bill, dear, I know how much you care but he's not gonna hurt me" I say as I try and resareassureure him. Me and bill had the kind of relationship where you could call each other 'babe' or 'baby' and other pet names without it HAVING to mean something, or that's what I thought at least.

The band soon fallowed Bill as he was the first one to walk off stage. And I began talking with them when my phone rang. I turned it on and looked at the screen. 'Marco❤️'. I answered.

As I did the band went silent.

M- Hey baby I have to leave early but I'll see you at home ok? I love you stay safe.

Y/n- oh..ok baby I love you too i will stay safe and I'll see you at home.

M: bye babe.

And he hung up before I could say another word. I rolled my eyes and put my phone in my pocket."I'll be back I've got something I need to do"Bill says as he rushed off.
What's he talking about? Why did he say that when Marco said he had to leave early?I'm just over thinking.
I think to my self but I blow it off. About 20 minutes later Bill walks back and grabs my hand without saying a word dragging me away from the band. "Bill where have you been?! We have been worri-" He cuts me off and he shows me his phone screen. "Press play." He says sternly. "What's this?" I say with a slightly shaky voice."Press....play." He says again. I do it.

My eyes widened eyes as I watch Marco make out and touch another girl. I tear up and feel a hand on my shoulder. Tom..I saw Bill wave over someone and I instantly knew it was Tom. He stood there with me. Holding me as I watch in horror Marco...My boyfriend..the man I trusted..kiss and touch a random girl.
This explains everything.
Why he never wants to have sex. Why he never tell me he loves me.
Why he always runs off without me.
"Marco..." Was the only thing I had managed to get out thru my tears and shaky voice. When the video ended. I took my phone out, texted Marco and told him I knew everything and that we were done. I told him never to contact me again. and then I blocked him and deleted his number.

I began to cry and I flew into Bills arms. Sobbing, he picked me up and he held me by my legs. His feathered jacket and soft hair agents my skin seemed to help me a small bit but I was too upset to stop crying. The band had never seen my cry like this before. I didn't even realize they were watching until I hurd one of them sniffle and I slightly looked up to see Tom wipe away tears, I could see he was pissed. I never knew he cared so much about me. "Bill..can I stay with you tonight?..." I say thru Tear's and a soft shaky voice. "Yes. Lovely..of course you can." He says sweetly.

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