°Tom x reader° •Smut•

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Tom can get kinda jealous sometimes, hi! I'm y/n, I'm tom Kaulitz girlfriend, we have been dating for 2 years.

Y/n POV:

"Prinzessin" Tom yells as he inters the hotel room. I've started to go on tour with the band since last year. I'll normally stay behind in the hotel room or go out for a while on walks or to close By cafe's.

I here the front door open and realize its tom "BABY!!!" I squeal with excitement as I rush out of the bathroom and Jump in his arms. "I've misses you so much how was the performance?" I say with a smile, Tom still holding me by my waist. "I missed you too Prinzessin, the performance was great everything went really well." Tom says as he smiles and gives me a little kiss.

"But..." He begins as he picks me up and I wrap my legs around him as he takes us to the bedroom."but?" I say confused "but what?" I look at him "I've just misses you sooooo much~" Tom says squeezing my ass and whispering something German in my ear. He knows it turns me on.

"Oh meine Liebe, wie ich dich brauche, ich brauche deinen Körper auf meiner Haut, bitte, mein Liebling~" (oh my love how i need you, i need your body on my skin, please my darling~) Tom says carrying me over to the bed and placing me on my back. I get shivers down my spine. Oh my god I love it when he talks like that, he lays me down on the bed and lays on top of me.
"May I?" He asks in a sweet and soft tone. I can't find the words to speak so I nod my head. I was to worked up to stop him as he begins kissing my neck I gasp as he finds my sweet spot and gently nibbles on it. "T-to-om~" I moan "such a beautiful girl you are~" tom says as he takes off my shirt. He sits up and pulls me up as he goes, he let's go of me, leaving my hot and bothered. Be takes off his cloths and sits down in the bed. "come here pretty girl" be says as he signals me over with his fingers.

I move to his side and he takes me by my face and kisses me deeply and passionately. "Strip~" he says in a seductive voice. I do as he says, I stand up and unlatch my bra allowing it to fall elegantly from my shoulders and to the floor "mmm so ffucking pretty~" he says licking his lips. I blush more as I slide off my black skirt to reveal my black lace thong. As i see his boner get bigger it makes me even more wet. I turn around and give his a full view of my ass bending down and spreading my legs slightly to give bit a bit more to see.

"Scheiße, Baby, sei kein Scherz~" Tom says with a heavy breath, I walk over to Tom and stand in front of him and take off my thong. "Come here pretty girl" Tom says as he takes me by my waist and pulls me down on his lap. He lifts me up, still holding me enough to get his dick lined up with my pussy, he slowly slides me down.

Tom's POV:

"Ahh~" y/n lets out a moan and I  begins to buck my hips. "Fuck your all mine y/n~" I moan out. She takes me by my cheeks and pulls my into a kiss which i quickly melt into. As I deepen the miss she moans into it and I attempt to fight my tongue into her mouth, after a few tries she let me in and we both moan into the now deepened kiss "mmm~"

I break the kiss and gently lift her off of me and turn her over so she is on her hands and knees in front of me on the bed. I pull her head up by her hair and moan out I'm what sounds like the pleasure of the pain.
"I'm not hurting you am I baby?" I say to be sure she's not in any pain she doesn't want to be in.

"N-no love, I'm ok keep going" she says with a warm smile and i softly kiss her. "I love you" I say and and responds "I love you too tom" I smile at her and put my dick back inside her and let go of her hair. I put my hands on her waist and begin to thrust into her earning louder moans from her. "Ahh! I'm gonna cum!~" she moans out "me too baby, cum for me" I say moaning her name. "Y/n...y/n y/n...uuuh ffuck~" I moan out as she cums on my dick.

Y/n POV:

"Knees pretty girl" Tom says as he started jerking of to finish. "Yes Sir" I say and get on my knees. "Y/n your so pretty, you would look ever better with my cum on your face~ mmmm~" Tom says and he finally cums on my face. There was so much it was dripping off my face onto my chest and running down my boobs.

Tom takes his finger and with one swipe gets enough cum for it to drip off. "Open pretty girl" he says and hold his finger up to my mouth, I open my mouth and he puts his finger in. I close my mouth licking ever bit of cum of his fingers and swallow. "That's my pretty girl. I love you so much go take a shower and put in your pj's, then we'll cuddle ok?" He says smiling "ok baby" I say smiling back.

--- time skip ---

After I shower and her my pj's on i walk back to our room and find Tom waiting for me. "Come to bed baby I know your tired." He says smiling lifting up the sheet signaling its time to cuddle. "Ok baby " I say with an exited smile. I run over and quickly cuddle tom under the sheet's. We talk and laugh for a little while longer before he kisses me softly and telling my he loves me. I kiss him back and tell him I love him to before closing my eyes and laying my head on his chest. We both peacefully drift off to sleep.

(I'd love some suggestions so of you have any comment them. thank you and I hope you liked it I don't wright smut often.)

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