°Tom and Bill x reader °•fluff•

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Y/n POV:

I've been travailing with the boys from Tokio hotel for about 4 years now ever since I meet them at a fan meet and greet, ya know as a fan, I was the last one in line, and before I could Get a chance to meet them there time was up. I was so sad and I almost started crying but I locked eyes with Tom and Bill. I had looked up after getting the feeling someone was starring at me.

"Hi... Is it still to late to talk to you..?" I say with tears beginning to fill my eyes. "No.. Not at all." Bill says as he sat down. I wipe away my tears and sat down holding a book in my hands.. My graduation year book. They sign it and we being talking.

It's been 4 years since that day and I have become close with the band and am now kinda become apart of the band. I go every where with them. Over time I've developed feelings for both Tom and Bill. I love them both, they are the world to me. I want to tell then but what if that don't like me the same way? I don't wanna ruin anything I have with them.

Bills POV

Y/n is so beautiful. Me and Tom have both fallen in love with her. We have talked to each other about it and decided to tell her how we feel.. Even if she doesn't fell the same. We can't stand it anymore.

~After the show in the hotel room~

"TOM, BILL" Y/n shouts as she runs up to me and Tom giving us both hugs. We decide to make a move before we tell her and we bend down and kiss her on her cheeks. She turns red and blushes but returned the kisses to us. We look at each other knowing now she felt the same.

"We have something to ask you" Tom says taking my hand for support. "Y/n...We.." I start but i cant find the words.."we are in love with you.. Will you be our girlfriend?... "Tom boldly says. We nervously awaited her answer.

T/n Pov:

Omg Omg Omg they feel the same...
I feel tears begins to fill my eyes and they look at me as of they had hurt me..Bill starts to talk but I hold my hand up to stop him. " yes...I would love that. I've been in love with you guys for forever and I never though you would like me back."I say as I walk closer to them taking there hands.

They both smile and i see there eyes light up as they pull me in and kiss me all over my neck and face. We fall into the bed and end up laughing and talking for a few more hours.

(Its late and i am tired sorry)
~after they are ready for bed~

"We love you" they say at the same time and kiss my lips and neck earning soft little moan out of me. Thy stop and I can see they are tired I am too. "I love you two to" I say as I straighten my body. Tom cuddles me from the front and Bill cuddles me from the back. As we fall asleep Tom and Bill rest there heads on mine, with my hands being on Toms chest and him and Bill holding me close, our body's touching as they hold me by my waist.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter
Goodnight peeps!

Tom and Bill Kaulitz x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now