°Tom x Reader° •SMUT•

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I awoke in the morning with a horrid hangover and looked around the room I was in. 'Not my place, where am I?' I thought as I began to get up, but realized my clothes were not near me. I gazed around the room and was amazed by the mesmerizing design and textures of it, not something I could afford. As I was busy in my thoughts, a boy stepped out of the bathroom and spoke up, startling me as I hadn't noticed him standing there.

"Hey, are you feeling ok?" He said and I looked over to see THE TOM KAULITZ. "y-yeah, thank you.." I said as I stumbled over my words. He laughed and told me there was no reason to be nervous. He then told me what he could remember of what had happened the night prior to waking up in his hotel room. "We were both really drunk so I doubt either of us remember much of what happened" he said chuckling a bit "go get dressed sweet heart, I wanna get to know you better" he said as he turned back around. I nodded and went to for my cloths. They were laying on a chair and they looking like they had been washed. Lucky for me I didn't own any real fancy cloths so my outfit look cute but no too cute.

After tom had gotten dressed he walked out of the bathroom and I went in, I washed up my face and walked back out, sitting next to him on the bed. "So, tell me about yourself...um....I'm sorry hun I think I've forgotten your name." He said while putting his arm around me.
"Y/n, y/n y/l/n. And I guess, some thing's about me areeee....well...I'm 19, I'm a fan obviously, your my favorite actually but don't tell Bill that. I love your guys's music." I say with a happy tone. "Well thank you y/n, and I won't tell him. Your really pretty how bout I make tonight a good time for the both of us hun?" He says smirking at me playing with his lip ring. "Yeah...I'd like that" I say smiling.

Tom said and teasingly kissed my lips softly, then bit my bottom lip.he filled away I blushed and he walks out telling me I can stay here while he's away for the concert he was doing that night. While he is gone I watch TV and find a book in the room which I decide to read. I also watch the concert Live on the TV. After a good few hours, Tom returns and lightly shakes me awake, as I had fallen asleep with the TV on. "Hey sweet heart, do you have a good day?" He says with a gentle smile while moving around his lip ring. I open my eye and smile at him."yes i did, tho I...actually...started to miss you..I know its stupid but I couldn't help it."I say looking away from him feeling like I might have just said something stupid.

"Hey y/n. Look at me." He says grabbing my face and having me look him in the eyes. He begins to talk and could tell what I was thinking when he saw my eyes begin to water up. "I..missed you to. after I left you were the only thing I could think of. I was so distracted Bill had to ask me what was wrong and I ended up having to tell him about you. He said if I cared so much it was taking my mind away from work, that we should just bring you back with us..." He said blushing with a smirk in his face. "Really?!?!" I say exited. "Yes....will you..come back with me.." He said "we can talk more and get to know each other more.. And we can-" I cut him off by kissing him.

He was shocked for a moment before he melted into the kiss and fell back onto the bed taking me with him. As I lay on top of him the make out session became more intense and his hands explored my body moving around underneath the oversized shirt he had given me to Change into after he got back. His other hand traveled down my back and he gripped my ass smacking it a few times earning a few moans out of me. "Mmm" he slightly grunts out as he tugged at my shirt asking to take it off which I grant to him. He removes my shirt and sits me up fallowing me he does the same And sits up.

He takes off his shirt and snakes his hands up my back and unclips my bra with ease flipping me over to my back he takes off his jeans and boxers. He's hard, and bigger then I thought he was, he runs his hands along he boobs and down my torso taking off my thing as he goes. "May I?" He said looking at my body. I knew what he wanted to do, I wanted it too so I nodded my head and he began to kiss my neck. He licked the side of my neck sending shivers down my body and I whimpered as he pulled away. He began to kiss me all over my body lightly sucking on my boobs, leaving hickeys on the crease of them. he licked my torso from my belly button and left kisses all the way back down. Leaving me slightly moaning each time. He reached my pussy and slid a finger in it making me arch my back and then slid another in. I was a moaning mess when I felt the studded cold contact of his tongue on my clit. My eyes rolled back and I felt my body begin to tenace up. He noticed this and picked up the speed causing me to moan louder. "oh god tom I'm gonan-" I couldn't contain my self and released on Tom' fingers and into his mouth.

"Mm- you taste so good sweet heart." He said as he came back up and planted a kiss on my lips. as I melted into the kiss I felt him grab my waist. "You ready?" He said with a smile."Yes" I said out of breath a bit. He slowly pushed  his dick inside not moving till I gave him the go ahead to. He was so much bigger then I thought and he made me arch my back. After a few moments I nod giving him the green light to begin moving he thrusted into me with a force that made me moan and role my eyes back instantly. With each thrust we both got closer and close to what we could take and soon enough we were moaning out each others names. After a few more minutes he picked up the speed and he roles his eyes back as I did the same. "Fuck tom- ugh don't stop im so close I'm gonna-" he cut me off. "Hang on baby just a little longer." He said as he thrusted harder hitting my sweet spot each time. "Fuuck-" I said as I finally came over his dick. He pulled out and stroked himself a few times and cane on my stomach. Leaving us both out of breath he got up and went to the bathroom. He came out a few seconds later with a towel and cleaned up both. He thru the towel to the side and layer next to me pulling the blanket over us as me layer next to me."come back with me. Be my girlfriend Please...I don't think I could go without you.."he said as he kissed me with a smile. "I planned on it" I said with a big smile missing him back. We both fell asleep in each others arms.

(Sorry this has taken so long I've been kind of busy but the next one should be out soon. I hope you enjoy it!😁 didn't really check my spelling sorry)

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