°Bill x Reader°•Smut•

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This is gonna be an Enemy's to lovers kind of thing, its another long one guys enjoy. Also I'm gonna try a new thing (new to me) I've seen some other ppl do this and I think its a good idea, if you don't like the outfits you can pick something you would like but I'm gonna start outing pic's of the outfits for y/n in each story from.here on out when it mentions an outfit starting with this one. I Went A Little Over Bord With This One I'm So Sorry!!!



"Guys!!" Y/n yells as she ran into the garage. "I got snacks!!" She says happily and sets the snacks down On the side table and turns to face her friends Tom, Bill, Gustav, and Georg. "yay!!" They all shout as they put there I instruments down and go to retrieve a snack to eat. "Were gonna be friends forever!" Y/n yells happily. "Yeah forever!!" The 4 boys all agree with her and go back to there instruments.

That was 6 years ago. Now, we are all in high school and we drifted apart after the band really took off.
I stand at my locker zoned out as someone comes up behind me and shuts my locker door, startling me and snapping me out of my trance."Still day dreaming dumbass?" I turned around to see my now enemy, Bill standing there with the other boys with a stupid smirk on his face. "Fuck off Bill..I can't deal with your bullshit today., hey Tom, Georg , Gustav,  how have y'all been?" I say pushing Bill out of the way to talk to the other 3 boys.

"Oh, we're doing good we are exited to start the new tour-" Tom began to speak but Georg cut him off. "We are gonna be gone for like 4 months do you wanna come with us?" Tom gave Georg a nasty look, but being playful with him as he said that. "Yeah Ofc I'd love to!" I said excitedly. I turned to give Bill a nasty smile because I knew he was gonna hate this and waved at the boys. I headed off to my last class, i could just feel the hot anger radiating from Bill as I giggled to myself a bit and walked into the room. 'FINALLY god that class is annoying' I thought to myself as I walked out of the room and walked right Into Tom who stopped me before I could fall over. "Hey there ms.clumsy, we leave at 10:00am  tomorrow morning be ready cuz I'm picking you up at 8." He said before I could get a single word out.

I laughed a bit as I was still holding onto him."yeah alright I'll be beady. I'll see you at 8 Tommie."I say as he let's me go and I walk down the hall and to my car in the parking lot. As I reached my house I had do many things to do before I was ready to go but first I need to shower. Once I was all done with my shower  I got dressed and got the 3 suitcases I had bought but never used. 'better late then never right?' I've had then for 4 year's but just never used them.
I got packed and went to bed.

I awoke in the morning at 7:30, I did my hair in curles and put on an outfit for the day

I awoke in the morning at 7:30, I did my hair in curles and put on an outfit for the day

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Tom and Bill Kaulitz x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now