°Georg x reader° •Smut•

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sorry this took me a little bit i didn't really know what to do. But i hope you like it.
Your POV:

Me and Georg have been together for a while now, 6 months actually. Its been amazing I've never felt so close and happy with someone. He makes me feel so safe. Lately, I've been thing about sex, its crossed my mind quite a bit lately but I couldn't figure out why...weird its never been important to me or even crosses my mind.

3rd person:

As Georg walked into the room he silently closed the door behind him admiring his girlfriend who he had missed all day. Y/n had been laying down on there bed, She hadn't even noticed him standing there. He was staring at her. She was laying in a purple crop top and little purple shorts. "I love that color on you babe, it's looks really good." He said with a smile startling y/n. Y/n looked over and smiled excitedly "Georg your back!!!!" She said jumping off the bed and running up to him giving him a hug in the process. "Miss me much?" He said teasingly. "Yes I did" Y/n responded happily giving him a kiss.

"I've got a surprise for you."y/n said with a smoke taking Georg by the hand and leading him to the bed.
"Oh yeah? And what is it princess?" He said already having an idea of the direction this was headed. "Well...I was thinking and..I've decided I want to give you something of mine." Y/n said with a devilish smirk. Y/n was a virgin, she had never had sex before and she never thought shed find someone who she wanted to have sex with, until she net Georg.

"Oh yeah? What that hmm?" He said fully knowing what was going to happen. "A little pice of me~" Y/n said as she pulled Georg into.a heated kiss. Letting her hands trail to the helm of his shirt she lifted it up slowly as her hands explored Georg's body until she finally reached the point it could be taken off. George broke the kiss but only for a moment to discard his shirt somewhere into the room. Thru heavy breathing George let one of his hands leave y/n's waist and trail up her body to her sheet lifting her purple crop top in the process. Breaking the kiss once more he loved her shirt and thrue it somewhere in the room.

Y/n felt her hear race faster and she moved her hands down to Georg's belt undoing it and sliding his pants and boxers down all at once. As soon as he was able to Georg sloped his legs out of his pants and boxers and stood there momentarily to allow his hands to Rome y/n's body and slide off her shorts. He picked her up and layed her down on the bed crawling on top of her. He began kissing her neck until he reached her sensitive spot earning a moan out of her. Y/n felt shivers down her spine and he felt Georg's hand trail its way down her body and find its way to her pussy.

She let out a sudden gasp of pleasure of she felt him slide in two fingers and began sliding then in and out in rhythm. "Georg" She moaned out in pleasure. ''Y/n" Georg huffed out in return. After a few minuets y/n felt a warm tingling sensation rush thrue her body and was unable to stop it. George removed his hand and took y/n by her waist. "Are you ready princesses?" He asked sweetly but with a voice filled with lust. "Yes baby" y/n smiled. She let out a gasp of pain and pleasure as she felt George slip his dick inside of her. She had never thought he was gonna be this big but Holt shit did it feel amazing. Y/n's head fell back as she arched her back and grabbed hold of the sheets. "You can-n move babe" she gasp out in a moan desperate for him to start to move inside of her.

He nodded sand began the thrust into her. Earning hard gaspy moans out of y/n. After a while he could feel himself begin to reach his climax as he felt y/n tighten around him. Not allowing himself to climax before y/n, he thruster harder hitting her sweet spot. Earning a loud gasp from y/n he knew he had found her most sensitive spot and began to thrust faster earning moans and grunts out is both of them. "I'm gonna c-cuumn" y/n thru her head back as she felt the same hot sensation wash over her. George pulled out of her and stroked himself a few times before releasing on y/n's stomach and falling next to her. "That.. Was amazing princess. I love you so much" Georg said with a soft sweet smile before grabbing a towel from the bathrooms and cleaning the both is them up. He turned the light off and returned to y/n, pulling the covers over them and cuddling her close to his body.

"I love you too baby" y/n said with a smile scooting closer to Georg and nuzzling him and giving him one last kiss before they both drifted off to sleep.

I didn't really know what to do with this one so km sorry it may be shorted Ghent the one before but I really hope you liked it. Let me know what you think. ✌️😁❤️

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