°Gustav x Reader°• Smut•

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I wasn't really sure what I was going with this one just like the George one but I lope you like it!

"BABE?" I yell as I walk thru the door of my, and Gustav's apartment. "I'm in here princess" I here him yell back from the bedroom. I set my keys in the key bowl we have next to the door and take my shoes off. I walk thru the living room with my shopping bag in my hand and enter the bedroom. "Hey princess" He says as he looks up at me as I walk in. "What's that baby?" He says as he motions to my bag. "Oh this?, I just got a little something for after the show tonight." I say with a smile.

"Oh yeah? Can I see it?" He says as he stands up and walks over to me and puts his hands around my waist pulling into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck after I put my bag down. "Sorry baby its a surprise ~" I say innocently and give him a quick peck on the lips before the rest of the band walks in.

"Alright love bird's let go. We are gonna be late." Tom says as he walks over to us. "You go baby I'll meet you there." I say and let go of him. "Alright princess I'll see you there" Gustav says as he gives me one last kiss before he let's go of me and walks out with the boys. Bill stays back as they walk away. "Did you get the dress y/n? I wanna see it!" Bill says excitedly. I nod and take the dress out if the bag and show it to him. "Wow..y/n Gustav is going to be ALL OVER YOU you are gonna look so good on this dress and its perfect for the after party tonight" He says with a smile. "Ok ok I gotta go but I'll see you later at the venue y/n!" He says with a smile and runs out to catch up to the boys.

After an hour I'm finally done with my hair and makeup. 'Time for my dress' I think as I walk over to the bed where I placed it earlier after Bill had left. I put the dress and my shoes on, then I grab my keys and walk out of the apartment locking the door behind me.

 I put the dress and my shoes on, then I grab my keys and walk out of the apartment locking the door behind me

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^The dress^

I arrive at the venue a few hours later to see they are just ending. Near the end of the last song Gustav looks over at me and I can see a big smile on his face. As the show ends all the boys walk off stage and Gustav picks me up and spins me around before setting be down. "Baby you look stunning!!!" He says with a smile and taking me by my waist before kissing me. "Thank you baby" I say smiling. "Come on babe, let go" I say and grab his hand as we fallow the band to the after party. After a few hours of dancing and drinking, everyone was really drunk, people making out and dancing on tables. I look over at Gustav and can see he's staring at me so I walk over.

"Why don't we go to the bedroom?" I ask thru my drunken state and slurring my words."alright babe" he says while looking up at me. I can see he is probably as drunk as I am but in don't care, I grab his hand and take him to the back bedroom and lock the door behind us. I pull him into a drunken kiss and he quickly depends it. After a few minutes we both sober up some and the reality of what we are doing finally hits us and be both smile.

Gustav unzips the back of my dress and I let it slide off me. I step out of it as it falls to me feet. I slide my hand under his shirt and lift it up over his head and toss it to the side. I walk over to the bed and lay down, as he fallows me he takes off his pants and boxers.He Walk's over to me he and leans down to kisses me as he slides one hand down my body to my opining. As he stickers his fingers inside if me I moan into the kiss and arch my back as I can feel him explore my insides with two fingers. After a few moments I feel a hot sensation shoot thru my body and I moan out with pleasure and feel myself cum on his hands. He smiles and pulls he close to his body and lines his dick up with my opining and slides himself
into me.

I moan out as I feel his hard length inside me. "Ugh fuck yes" I say thru heavy breaths. "So pretty y/n!" He says as he picks up his speed. He places his hands on my boobs and squeezes them, gently playing with them in his hands. He groans out in pleasure as he let's his hand rome my body. I grip the sheets as I moan out louder. "Oh fuck y/n" he says as his thrusts get harder and faster. "fuuck Gustav!!" I can feel his thrusts get sloppy and he grabs my hips and lifts me up slightly as begins to pound into me hitting my g-spot with each thrust. "I'm gonna cum y/n" he says and he throw's his head back. "Fuuck me to baby keep going don't stop" I say as my eyes role back and my back arches. I feel the same hot sensation role over my body as I feel myself cum at the sane time he does. I feel a warm sensation inside of my body and Gustav pulls out. I can feel cum drip out if me as he lays down next to me. After a few minutes he wraps his arms around me."should we go back out there?" He asked me with a soft smile. "No, I think they will be fine without us." I say as I cuddle close to him and I feel him reach over and pull the blanked over us and we soon drive off to sleep in the comforting embrace of each other.

Sorry for any spell mistakes I went thru and got what j could see buy I'll go thru it a bit later I promise but cot now I hope you like it key nr know what you think.

Tom and Bill Kaulitz x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now