°BILL x Reader° •SMUT•

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I'm y/n, a few years ago i had gotten tickets to see my favorite band in the whole world. Tokio Hotel!! I had been a fan for forever and I finally got backstage passes to meet them. There show was amazing and I loved seeing them perform. After the show I went to the meet and greet, I meet them, talked and laughed with them. Even since then me and the band, specifically me and Bill have been inseparable.

-present day -

"BILL" I call out as I walk thru the tour buss, trying to find him. "He's in here! "I here Tom call back to me. As I walk to the back of the tour bus where the little bed loft is I see Bill peacefully asleep and Tom playing on his phone."Here he's all yours. He keeps trying to pull me down and in trying to text this hot girl." Tom says moving to let me take his place.

I role my eye as Tom goes to the front of the Buss with the rest of the band. "Bill" I sweetly whisper as I take The spot next to Bill where Tom was. "Hmm..." He says as he opens his eyes slowly and looks up at me. "Hi pretty" Bill says sweetly as he repositions himself so he's looking up at me with his head on my lap.

"We are Almost there, you need to start waking up now ok?" I say sweetly running my hands along His face and carefully thru his hair.
"Ok, can we stay like this till we get there tho?" he says. "Yes of course." I say with a smile. We stay like this for the rest of the way to the hotel but we both end up falling asleep.

As the buss stops parking in the parking lot I feel someone gently shake me awake then I here toms voice. "Rise and while love birds" tom says as he yells, startling Bill and making him jolt up. "TOM YOU FUCKER!!! DONT DO THAT." Bill yells at tom and we here him laugh fallowed by Gustov and George.

I can see Bill start to shake and I quickly move so I'm in front of him.
"Hey hey hey no its ok take a deep breath ok?" I say as I quickly pull him into a hug. "You two coming?" Tom says turning to us before get gets off the buss. "In a little just get our room" I say as I look at tom. He gives me a nod indicating he understands. As he walks off the buss I close the window curtains as I know the light is now bothering Bill.

I here Georg ask where we are and here Tom respond with "probably fucking but I don't care we are just gonna get there room ready for them." I ignore Toms response and continue to give Bill my full attention. "Bill, I'm here im right here, its ok.."I say as I hold him in my arms. I feel bill wrap his arms around me and lay his head on my shoulder. His face is agents my neck so he doesn't ness up his hair. "Y/n...thank you....i- I have something I should tell you..I should have told you a while ago but I couldn't..I was too scared..." He says as he starts to slightly shake. I blush as I can now feel his warm breath on my skin.

"What is it Bill? You don't have to be scared I promise" I say as I gently lift him up off my shoulder and cup his cheeks with my hand."....Im-....IM IN LOVE WITH YOU!- I'm sorry..i..I should have told you but I didn't want to ru-" I interrupt Bill, kissing him. Bill melts into the kiss and after a few seconds I release him from the kiss. "Bill...I'm in love with you too.I've loved you for a long time." I say with a soft smile and I see His eyes light up. I look into his chocolatey eyes and get lost in the moment.

Bill gently lowers me so I'm now laying down instead if sitting and me opens legs to lay between my thighs and I feel his breath on my face."y/n..can I...um..you know.. I just..you make me feel something I've never felt before. I cant control myself anymore.I need you" he says as he gently kisses my neck "Bill...you can do whatever you want..I need you too.. Please" I say in an almost desperate tone.

Bill nods indicating he understand's and begins to slide his hand under me shirt still kissing my neck and leaving little hickys. "Mmmn" i softly moan out. I feel bill start to move his hips around making me wet and causing me to softly moan more."y/n.."he says as he removes me shirt."Bill.."I say as I take off this shirt being careful of his hair and necklace. I move my hands to his belt and undo it, unbuttoning his jeans in the process. He does the same and unbutton's my shirts and sliding it off me.

I'm not waring my shoes as I took then off earlier. I sit up as Bill get off me and takes off the rest if his cloths. As he does I unclip my bra and take it off along with my panties and skirt. I lay back down and Bill gets back in top of me and positions himself, to line up with me. He starts slow and puts his dick inside me. "AHH-" I gasp and arch my back.
"Are you ok?" Bill says trying to make sure I'm not in any pain."Bill..not really but please..Don't move..don't move, don't move. Not yet.." I say as I nod and place my hands on his arms to steady myself, I've began to shake and I since that Bill has noticed. He doesn't move for a few minutes allowing my to get used to him, and instead leans down keeping himself up with his elbows, and kisses me passionately. After a minute I tell him its ok to start moving again.

As Bill begins to thrust into me making me moan each time, he grunt as he speeds up little by little until he's smashing into my pussy each a and every time. "Ah fuck Bill Omg..you feel so good inside of me." I moan out between hard and heave breaths. "You feel so warm fuck y/n I love you..I love you! I love you!" Bill says looking st me with his beautiful eyes." Ahh fuck!!" We say at the same time. "Fuck...fuck fuck fuck.." I say as he hits my G-spot over and over again."UUGH...y/n...I'm gonna cum.."Bill says as he continues to thrust hard into me."fuck..Bill I'm at my l-lim-met!! I'm coming!!"I say as my eyes role back."Let's cum together!"Bill says as he tilts his head back and we both cum together. After we are done Bill falls to the side of me. "Y/n..be my girlfriend??" Bill says with a smile."yes." I say as I give him a smile and a soft kiss." Let's get cleaned up and go inside I say as bill nods in agreement. We clean our mess and grab our things. We exit the buss as we see the driver walk towards the buss Bill walks ahead of he and into the hotel." We..may need a new buss to marrow" I say to the driver not giving an explanation and walk inside the hotel where Bill is waiting for me.

He get the keys to our room and we head up the floor. Once we reach the room we both shower and fall asleep on the bed sleeping peacefully till the next morning.


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