°Tom&Bill x reader° •SMUT•

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your POV:

I walked out of the stadium after I had just watched Tokio hotel perform. I was in the very front row right in between Bill and Tom, I made my way backstage as I have a special VIP pass. I showed the security guy my pass and he opened the door and I was met with a greeting by Tokio Hotel's manager.

"Alright hun, you know how this works?" She asks me with a smile and a lively tone."No ma'am," I answer back respectfully with a smile.

"Alright, so how this is going to work is you can decide who you want to meet with first,  on the right is George and Gustav,  and on the left is Tom and Bill. You have until they don't want to talk to you anymore or until they leave. So who do you want to meet first hunny?" The lady says to me with a smile and a tone full of kindness.

" Tom and Bill Please. "I say with excitement." go right ahead."she says as she turns to leave. I walk over to the door that has Tom and Bill's name on it and knock on the door. I here a voice from the inside saying to come in. As I open the door I begin to speak, Closing the door behind me as I walk in.

"Hello?" I say in a nervous tone. Tom turns his head and respond to my greeting. "Heey your the pretty girl from front row, me and my brother were just taking about you" he says with a smirk while playing with his piercing. He singled for me to sit down on the couch next to him and I do just that.

"BILL!! SHES HEEEEEERE!!" Tom shouts as he leans forward and puts his wrists on his knees and rests then there.

"OMG!! Ok I'll be out in a sec!" I here Bill shout from another room. A few moment go by and Tom decides to pull me onto his lap. He hold out his hand to me without saying anything and I look at him with a puzzled look. As I take his hand me pulls he towards him causing me to fall forward and he picks me up and places me on his lap. I can feel my face heat up and Tom chuckles.

"BILL COME ON!! YOU DON'T WANNA KEEP HER WAITING DO YOU?" Tom shouts turning his head in the direction of the door but not breaking eye contact with me. "What's your name cutie?" Tom days as he turns his head back towards me.

"Y/n." I say still blushing with a smile. "Nice to meet you y/n" He says while playing with his lip piercing and smiling at me. Just then Bill runs out of the other room. I've only been in the room with tom and bill for maybe 5 minutes at this point.

"I'm so sorry for making you wait...." He looks at me for my name. "Y/n,  and its ok I really didn't mind it." I say sweetly with a smile. "I see you have already taken a likening to out lovely Y/n Tom" Bill days raising one eyebrow and looking at Tom who now has his arms wrapped around my wait holding me close to his body. "Mmmhm" he answers Bill without looking away from me.

"No fair.. I wanna hold her too" Bill wines and Tom instantly hold me tighter as Bill sits down next to him.
"No way! You took too long anyway.." He begins speaking in German and says something which I can't understand and Bill responds back the same way. I can tell they ate arguing but I can't understand them.

Oh my god they are arguing over ME!! tho...I kinda want Bill to hold me close to him like Tom is as well...I Wonder....

Hold my hands up letting go of Tom to stop them from arguing and they both very quickly notice what i was doing and they stop arguing and look at me with puzzled looks. "Tom, you can hold me more later ok? Give Bill some time with me too..please for me?" I say and I give him puppy dog eyes. I can see his blush and he nods his head and releases me. I stand up shift my body so I am now sitting I'm Bills lap.

Tom and Bill Kaulitz x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now