Tom x reader ‼️ANGST‼️

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As I return home, exited to see my boyfriend Tom. I find Bill in my living room but I don't think much of it, he has a copy of my key because he's over here all the time. I set NY thing down as I hay hi I walk past him but he stops me by taking my hand. "Bill?" I say confused. "Sit....your gonna want to sit down for this..there is something you need to know.."He says looking at be then at the table where I see his phone light up with a text from Tom.

"umm....ok?..why?" I say confused and walk back around and sit next to him. He doesn't respond. "Bill what is it? Please tell me.." I say worried. he heavily signs and picks up his phone, I see him click and scroll on his screen. As he does this I get a pit in my stomach and I just know what he's gonna tell me is gonna make me cry.

" I don't know...100% if this is what it LOOKS I won't tell you this is 100% what he's doing.."he begins as he turns his phone screen around. I look at the screen and we a picture of Tom holding the waist of another girl while she is kissing his cheek. I feel my heart sink to the pic of my stomach and hit tears role down my face. I look back up at bill and nod for him to continue." It was taken earlier today so it might just be a photo shoot, a promotion or something. I'm not sure so don't just to conclusions yet. Ok?" He says trying to wipe my tears unsuccessfully.

Just then my phone buzzes and I look down to see thousands of notifications pop up on my screen from different sources showing Tom and a mystery girl on his arms. I stroll thru the photos and get angrier looking at every picture. I saw red and could no longer hold in any years and broke down. I put my phone back down and continue to cry next to Bill.

As I'm sitting on the couch I here the door open and look up at Bill knowing its tom. Bill looked at me and understood what was going thru my mind and knew there was nothing he could say to calm me down. He knew what I was thinking.
"Baby? Are you ok?..." Tom asks with a concerned look. "You..... Fucking..... LIER!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs surprising Both Bill and Tom.
"You Fucking Told Me You Were Going To Meet A New Brand..But Instead You Sent To See Some Other Girl?! Its everywhere Tom..the pictures..yea I've seen them." I say thru hot angry tears.

"Baby..I promise its not what it looks like...Please let me explain.." Tom says clearly starting to tear up and cry. I felt awful for screaming a thin like that but I couldn't control myself and I saw Tom look at bill and then begin to shake indicating that even Bill didn't know what to do or say which mad him begin to cry more. I've never seen Tom cry like this but I couldn't help but to scream. "IS THIS HOW YOU FUCKING FEEL??HUH?? AM I NOT ENOUGH! I FUCKING LOVE YOU I GIVE YOU 100% OF ME ALL THE TINE AND YOU GO AND DO THIS!?!?!" I say as I manage to restrain my self a little bit and run to my and Toms Room. I slam the door shut and lock the door causing Tom and Bill to run after me. "BABY...BABY OKAY OPEN THE DOOR LET NE EXPLAIN IT PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU!!!.." I here Tom sob uncontrollably thru the door "GO THE FUCK AWAY TOM!.." I say screaming back at him. I hear Bill tell tom its best to give me space and they leave.

Over the next 2 weeks I have everyone in the band call me multiple time but I don't answer any calls or texts. As I'm scrolling thru my phone I see a picture of me and Tom and cry harder. I'm sitting at me vanity and punch the mirror it has many time and shatter it. I fall to the floor as I here footsteps running to my room. I then here the door being kicked open and here Toms voice. He runs to me and pulls me into a hug not letting go no matter how much I struggle. "Go....go away...I'm not enough for you.." I say being to so harder and he hold me tighter and hold he head to his chest letting me here his heartbeat. He knows it calms me down.

" was a photo shoot..that girl was a ran don't girl I have met that day AT the venue. The agency she worked for wanted us to take pictures for the clothing brand. I tried to tell then that she couldn't kiss me and they didn't listen. I'm so sorry Please... Forgive me..I love you more then anything. You are the only girl for me please." I here him say thru tears. I look at him and then at the floor realizing he had brought me my favorite flowers and chocolate's. "You promise me..she was just for a photo shoot..?" I say thru years looking back up at him. "Yes baby..I promise. Forgive me?" He says trying to stop crying. "Mhm" I say as I kiss him. After a moment I break the kiss and high him. As I hug in I see Bill standing in the door way smiling. After Bill left me and Tom changed and got dressed for bed, he packed up my hand and we feel asleep cuddling.

Tom and Bill Kaulitz x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now