Love and Rage

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"Do you really have to stay?" Izuku asked.

"Unfortunately, after all your suppose to be dead remember? And we need someone around incase something bad happens around you so we can bail you out." Responded Aizawa.

"So how did you get stuck with this?" Izuku asked walking into the mall.

"The others were busy... Or couldn't be trusted to be discrete." The hero responded.

Izuku nodded in confirmation and understanding. Aizawa split off to watch from a distance. Izuku was suppose to meet Jirou nearby according to her text.

"Hey there Izuku!" Jirou said as she snuck up on him.

"Gah! Don't scare me like that Jirou, you nearly gave me a heart attack."

"OH don't be a baby, common I know a good place to eat and chill." She said leading then to a Cafe type place.

The two took their seats and ordered some lunch before making some some talk, then when their food arrived Jirou asked what she has been dying to know.

"So, I know your interests a bit and you want to be a hero and you don't like your birth family, congrats on the adoption by the way, but I don't really know too much else about you personally." She stated.

"Hm, well I don't care too much to keep anything a secret so... Well for starters my new adopted dad is Nezu, the principal for UA."

Jirou chocked on her food, "What?"

"Yep, oh and ot gets better."

Izuku proceeded to tell her about why he hated his birth family and where he is right now. He was just about to talk on his death when...


Mt. Lady's ass can crashing down from above about to crush the Cafe and a large section of the mall. Apparently she had been fighting a large villian and he had knocked her over. Everyone would had been crushed of not for-

"RRRRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Roared Izuku holding the giant hero. He flung her to the nearby sea to prevent casualties. "WATCH WHERE YOU PARK YOUR JUNK PHAT ASS!" Scream the rage filled boy.

"Sorry everyone, and nice save kid! I'm sorry but I got to go!" She said dashing off to stop the villian.

Izuku looked at Jirou, his metallic parts shining bright. He was proud of himself a bit till he heard.

"Of course the only half decent guy I found that I have a crush on is a robot." Jirou mutted under her breath.



"I'm a cyborg, only a few mechanical parts due to my power."

"Oh I see." Then realization that he heard her dawned. She then turned bright red.

"To be honest I'm pretty sure I was crushing on you harder." said Izuku.

The two stood in silence for a bit till the people there began to leave the destroyed Cafe and so the two walked out together.

"You know I have a little bit more to tell if you want." Said Izuku sheepishly. He felt as though he had somehow upset her.

"Please." She replied.

"Well, it's how I died." And so he recounted his tale we have learned thus far. He accidently left out some names however, only referring to their last name of Yagi.

"So, you died, got a new power, and now live at UA?"

"Skipping a few steps but yeah."

She just nodded at this.

"Well, I um... I'm sorry." Izuku said.

"For what Robo-boy?"

"I don't know you just seem upset, I get it if yo-hmf."

Jirou shut the boy up with a kiss to his lips. Izuku just stood there shookith.

"What we admitted we liked each other and you were being dumb, you didn't do anything Izuku."

"O-o-ok Jiro, does that mean we're?"

"Dating? Yes, also call me Kyouka. Only you and my parents can call me that ok?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. Unfortunately I got to go my Mom and Dad have been texting me since the villian attack and are making me come home, take care and text me Lovebot."

"I will... Wait did you just call me Lovebot?" But she had already left.
"How the hell did she get me so smitten so fast?"

"Love will do that to you."

"JESUS HOBOMAN!" Shrieked Izuku. As Aizawa appeared. "Please don't tell my dad."


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