Racing Fury

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The entirety of class 1A sat in the waiting room, each getting ready in their own way for the sports festival.

"Midoryia, I have a question." Todoroki said as he came up to our cyborg bean. "Did you and your father have a hand in what has been happening with my family?" The young half and half user asked.

"Perhaps, did your mother have a talk about your powers with you?" Izuku asked back.

"Indeed." Said the half and half boy.

A week ago Rei Todoroki had been moved out of the mental hospital and into her own place with divorce papers sent to her husband, Enji. It was later she sat her kids down to talk with them. When she has sat Shoto down she had immediate asked why he wasn't using his full power. Shoto having a great hate for his father didn't deter his mother from telling him that it was his own power and he should be proud of it and use it to his fullest to become the best he could be. It had been a lot for the youngest Todoroki to hear and digest.

"I'm glad. Sorry for butting in but seeing your situation was a bit personal for me. So me and my father decided to do what we could to help." Izuku explained.

Todoroki nodded his head and bowed, "No, thank you for what you've done. But that being said," he raised his head, "Don't expect me to take it easy on you, I plan to win."

"I wouldn't dream of it." Replied Izuku.

"LIKE YOU'RE WINNING! IM GOING TO TO BE THE WINNER HERE YOU DAMN NERDS!" Came Bakugo's shout from outside the room.

Izuku and Shoto just sighed and walked out to the field.

"Here they are folks! This year's contestants for the UA sports festival!" Announced Midnight. "Now introducing our student representative, Katsuki Bakugo!"

With that Bakugo walked onto the stage, leaned into the mic, and said, "I plan to win." Boos radiated the stadium. But he continued, "However, I'm not the only one, and I'd be damn childish of me to say I'm the only capable one to do so. Everyone give it your all and, GO BEYOND, PLUS UUUULLLTRRRAAAA!" Bakugo Shouted to the crowd. The once booing spectators now Cheered for the young boy's speach. (Yall really thought I would just do the "I'm going to win" thing didn't you?)

"What an exciting speech Mr. Bakugo. Now if all the contestants would kindly approach the gates at the end of the stadium for our first event!" Shouted Midnight.

The classes of heroes, support, and general studies made their way to the gate. Izuku gave Kyouka a smile and a nod as they got ready.

"Our first event for this spectacular sports festival is a simple race across a UA made obstacle course!" Present Mic started shouting. "Get ready! Set! Goooooo!"

With that the doors opened. Todoroki immediately froze the area to stop as many people at possible. Kyouke jumped above it and land right on Izuku as the took off in break neck speeds. Bakugo and Todoroki following close behind them.

"Well, well looky what we got here folks! Is seems that young Nezu and young Jiro have teamed up! What else could we expect from our resident power couplllleeee!" Present Mic Shouted out.


"Whoops sorry little listener!" Mic said.

"Idiots, all round me." Commented Aizawa beside him in the commentary box.

Back on the field, Bakugo was gaining on the couple.

"I don't care if these two are working together, I'll still-" He was cut off with a jack to his forehead. Kyouka pumped pumped out some vibrations from the end of her jack into his head, giving him one hell of a headache. Bakugo lost his concentration and went tumbling as Kyouka retracted her jack.

"What's wrong? Think I'm on his back for a free ride?!" Kyouka Shouted. They had decided before this that if there was a race of any kind that Izuku would run and go through the obstacles while Kyouka rode on his back to deal with the other competitors.

They had already passed the zero pointers and pit, now was the mine field. And it was then that their biggest pain in the ass appeared.


"There she is." Said Izuku. He was about to sprint his way through, he and Kyouka were surrounded by a green aura and lifted into the air.

"Later, Deku!" The hellspawn said as she passed by.


"On it." Kyouka let a special frequency she had been practicing from her jacks. Suddenly Izumi collapsed and her aura disappeared.

"What the hell is that!?" Izumi Yelled out as she gripped her head.

Izuku took the time to pass by her. Todoroki followed soon after. The half and half boy covered Izumi in ice, leaving only her face exposed.

"There's some ice for your headache, do everyone a favor and get a brain freeze too." He said as he passed by. Leaving a seething Izumi behind.

Bakugo followed soon after. He caught up to Todoroki and was gaining on the couple.

The pair could see the finish line but had the two behind them to worry about.

"Izuku let me off, you can run faster without me on your back! Four place isnt so bad for me to place in!" Kyouka Yelled.

Izuku was about to argue but had a wonderful, horrible, idea. He spun her around to his front and then held in one are, hand on her rear end.

"Izuku! What are you doing!?" She asked red In the face. His response was a smile. She looked how he was holding her, it was almost as if he was aiming her. Her eyes widened, "Izuku, Izuku no. Don't you-" Izuku threw her across the finish line. "IZUKUUUUU!!!" She yelled as she flew through the air. She landed in first place in the race. Izuku followed soon after. Then Bakugo, then Todoroki. "You better make it up to me you bastard." Kyouka said to her boyfriend.

"Hai hai." Responded the boy.

Next time UAs second event!

Hey guys I'm late I know I've just been busy, and honestly this is a hobby so it's in the back of my mind, thank yall and love yall, peace and chicken grease!

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