A date and a heart to heart

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Classes had continued like normal, and before long everyone had gotten use to the classes and such. However one thing that had yet to be worked out was Kyouka time. She felt like she needed more attention from Izuku and she was gonna get it.

So after classes had ended she caught her boyfriend before they left. "Izuku we are going on a date this Saturday." She said.

"Not that I'm complaining, but do I get a say in this?" Asked the boy.

"Nope." She replied with a bit of sass as she walked. "Now come walk me home, you girlfriend needs attention."

Izuku went to walk her home, however some on lookers seemed to be curious about the boy, and some women more so. This ended up with Kyouka practically taped to the boy's arm. They got to her house and she opened the door, "Mom, Dad I'm home!" No response was heard. "Great they're not here come on." She dragged the boy inside.

"Kyouka isn't this a bit much, what will they think if they just see me in here while they were gone?" Asked the robo boy.

"Honesty I don't know or care." She responded. Their last fight still in her mind.

A few days ago.................

"Kyouka we need to talk to you about your 'boyfriend'." Started her mother.

Kyouka thought that after the dinner at the Bakugo's they would try and be a bit better about Izuku.

"We don't think you should continue seeing him." Finished her mother.

Or not.

"Excuse me?!" Asked an already somewhat pissed Kyouka.

"It's just that he has a lot of baggage dear." Her father tried to say.

"For crying out loud, he's not even fully human anymore! His biggest enemy is All Might and if he drags you into this it would ruin your career and your life!" Shouted her mother with her eyes closed.

"Mika-" her father tried to calm down her mother.

"That boy is nothing but bad news! It's bad enough you quit your music career so at least don't ruin your hero one too!" Her mother finished her rant. Her mother opened her eyes to see two things. One was her husband with a very anxious and somewhat disappointed look. Then she looked at her daughter. Kyouka had a stone cold look on her face devoid of most emotion, but one thing gave her away. Kyouka was crying. They saw their daughter cry before but that was always something that happened when she felt insecure, they never caused this before at least not in recent memory. Mika Jiro reached out to her daughter only for Kyouka to leave and go upstairs. She didn't slam the door, she didn't stomp. But Kyouka got her hearing from somewhere, and Mika heard her daughter sob. Her husband walked away to their room without a word.


That had been a few days ago and she had still not talked to her mother. Bit right now she had Izuku, and Dammit she was going to enjoy her time with him. He didn't need to know what her parents thought because right now she doesn't care what they think.

Kyouka led Izuku to her room and kind dragged him onto her bed. She giggled a bit at her boyfriend's shyness but right now she just wanted to be with him. There was one question she wanted to onow though. "Hey Izu, that stuff over the metal, is it skin?"

"Oh, um, I think so. I mean the metal has something like nerves in it and I can feel everything it touches. Why?"

"Does it bruise?"

"Um I don't know."

"Let's find out." With that Kyouka bit his neck.

"Ow Kyouka what are you?" He felt her start to kiss where she bit, ah he gets it now.

After a bit she moved back to admire her work. "Oh look, it does." She said with a smile. "Metal kinda hurt at first though."

"Now why did you feel the need to do that babe?" Asked Izuku.

"To prove your mine."

"Well then," izuku moved on top of Kyouka, "my turn."


Izuku was on his way home after returning the favor she left and then stayed with her a bit after. Something was bothering her but he wasn't going to bring it up unless she wanted to talk about it.

He entered his house and got a text from his dad.

It read, "Ah good your home! Please drop bu the study, I looked into that Todoroki situation you were worried about."

His dad found something, good. It was in their third week that Izuku figured out the Todoroki household was not in the best condition. He asked his father if they could investigate it quietly in case he was wrong. He didn't want Todoroki to go through what he did.

He entered the study to see his father a bit disheveled. "Dad, you ok?"

Nezu looked at him, then at the hickey on his neck. "Son... have I been a good father since i took you in?"

"Wha- yeah, of course you have."

"Really? I mean I know I'm not abusive or anything but, I'm just new to this parenting thing and this business with the Todorokis has been a real eye opener."

"Dad, you took me in. Got me away from my old family the best you could. Taught me, housed me, fed me, worked on my confidence, and powers. And you are there for me. Your a great dad, don't doubt yourself on this. Arnt you suppose to be one of the smartest beings on the planet?"

"Academically, yes. Emotionally no. Sorry Izuku, it's just I saw what is wrong with the Todoroki family and let's just say young shots should thank you. I've been getting a case together merely two days after you asked me to investigate them."

"You spent two weeks building a case?"

"There is alot of evidence. And I may have gotten a bit distracted."

"Well it's good that we might be able to help that family then. By the way what were you distracted with?"

"Well I visited Mrs. Rei Todoroki in her mental hospital to get some facts. And I ended up seeing her from time to time."

"Oh you visited her a few days."



"A day."


"I visited her a few times a day."



"....imma go to my room."

"OK son, oh and please use protection with Ms. Kyouka."


(Let me know if your guys like this idea I had for nezu, I even have a reason I can implement just dint know if you guys would dislike this idea.)


(This one is a bit short but it's more of a set up chapter for a few things, no one commented on the other idea I had so unless I see a bit of support for it I guess I'll tuck that idea away, peace

"Ladies, gentlemen, and that spectacolor in-between." - Cell, teamfourstar.

Izuku's Wrath // IzujirouWhere stories live. Discover now