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"Welp, that's about right." (My irl catchphrase) said Izuku.

"Those aren't fake villians! Everyone get back! Thirteen, keep an eye on the kids!" Shouted Aizawa as he jumped into the fray.

"Well let's go extras!" Shouted Bakugo

"No! Aizawa's combat style might be compromised if we were to join. Also he and my dad would absolutely hate the paperwork." Izuku said to stop the blonde.

The class then tried to open the doors. "It's locked!" Exclaimed Kamanari.

"I got this." Jiro said as she rammed her jacks into the door. Then after a second they were blasted off from the point her jacks hit.

"That's my rockstar!" Izuku Cheered, making Kyouka blush.

"Iida move ahead to get help your the fastest." Commanded izuku.

Iida nodded and sprinted off. The class was about to follow before black mist blocked their way.

"Apologies, but I can't let you all go that easily." Said the mist man whom walked through the mist behind them. He raised his hand and black mist began to cover the students.

"Like hell!" Yelled Izumi, as she dashed at him and sending a punch. Only to go through and became the first to dissappear.

"Well shit, he's got to have a physical body under the mist." Izuku commented as more classmates disappeared. "His collar! The metal there has to be attached to something physical!" He Shouted to those left. He dashed at the mist man only to throw a punch hard enough to dent the metal onto the man's neck, incapacitating him.

"Haha! I got him! How do youuuu guuyyyss...." izuku looked around to see he's the only one left. "Well shit."

With Kyouka....

Kyouka fell onto the mountain zone with the perverted Pikachu ripoff and Tokoyami. As the three got up they saw villains surround them. A rumble shook and the entire mountain group looked to see a glacier in the shipwreck zone.

"Welp at least Todoroki is kicking ass." Kamanari said.

"Heads up people, we got our own problems." Said Kyouka as the villians rushed them.

"Embrace the darkness!" Yelled Tokoyami as he sent out Dark Shadow.

"You heard the man, GIVE ME A HUG!" Yelled the quirk as it dashed at the villians.

Kamanari sent out shocks to defeat the villains till he went into whey mode, and then kyouka had to bring him to cover while using what little fighting experience she had mixed with her jacks to fight off the villians.

The fight only lasted a few minutes before they had defeated the group of villians.

"Not that tough huh." Said Kyouka as she berated the villians.

The group moved towards the exit until they heard a battle. They looked to see Aizawa, who had been kicking ass, start to be beaten my some large monster.


And there's her dumbass.

Izuku rushed at Aizawa's attacker. As he ran he saw the rest of the students finish their own fights. The cyborg boy rushed at the creature, hitting it Square across the jaw. It sent the creature back a few paces, but nowhere near as much as he expected to. "Hahahah good luck boy! This thing has the ability to absorb shock waves! Paired with super strength and regeneration it has the power to kill All Might!" Said the blue haired man in a trench coat behind the beast.

"Heh, you know, if you just went after All Might then I might have let you. But you went after my class, my friends, my teachers, my uncle," Stated izuku, each word getting even more angry, "And even my girlfriend! So... Now it's time... TO PAY!" He screamed before dashing at the Nomu delivering a massive blow to its stomach. The boy kept hitting it over and over, pushing it back. It looked like he was winning until...


Aizawa was dumbfounded by the force, Kyouka near buckled from the sound, and izuku went flying from a punch thrown from the monster.

Kyouka and her group met with Bakugo's from the fire rescue area at the field with Aizawa. They saw izuku now taking a beating from the creature. Bakugo rushed it firing off an explosion to get it to let go of his friend. Kyouka dragged off the cyborg before going to help. It didn't take long for the monster to deal with the blonde, sending into a nearby rock formation. Best girl sent her jacks at the beast piercing its skin and wrapping around its throat in an attempt to choke it out. It only resulted in being used to pull her in close however.

Izuku watched. He layed on the ground and watched as the beast beat his family into the dirt and rocks. Why? Why was he so weak!? WHY couldn't he protect them?! Why? Why!? WHY!? Then he felt it. Something snapped. "RRRRRRRRAAAAOOOOOOOOHHHH!" Came the furious roar of Izuku. His back glowing, our cyborg protagonist rushed the beast. His first fist hitting its stomach, making it release Kyouka. The second fist connected with its face, allowing her jacks to retreat. The beast sent its own arms down to crush the boy. Only to be caught by izuku.

"IZUKU NEZU! FOUR ARMED ASURA FORM!" Shouted the now four armed boy. Izuku threw the monster back toward the lead villians.

The monster landed in front of them, and then the man yelled. "Get up Nomu! Break that brat! He can't possible be stronger than All Might! I'd rather not use the other plan!" The beast now known as a Nomu rushed the boy In compliance.

Izuku responded I'm kind. The two clashed shaking the facility. In this battle....

One shall stand, one shall fall.

(-Optimus prime)


Hey guys sorry it's been so long, glad you remembered this story and glad it's doing well. It just with work and now college is back I've been a bit busy. It 1 :41 am rn as I finish this. Next one will have a song that many will know in it. Peace out.

Izuku's Wrath // IzujirouWhere stories live. Discover now