Entrance of rage

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"Daaaddd stooooppp."

"Absolutely not, I can't believe Aizawa got your little date on video! This is amazing, and definitely going in a folder." Said Nezu

Izuku merely put his head in his hands I'm embarrassment. Of course Aizawa had a video, why wouldn't he.

"She plans to take the entrance exam right?" Asked Nezu

"Yeah, wait why?!" Asked Izuku now panicked.

Nezu gave the boy a very sinister smirk, "Oh, no reason. Heheheh HAHAHAH!"

Yep not good, welp no stopping it now. Izuku knew that it was true. Poor Kyouka, hopefully it wasn't too bad. "I should probably warn her." Izuku thought as he pulled out his phone.

- Hey, my dad has something planned for you during the entrance exam.

- He doesn't need to get me special treatment just because we're dating robo arms.

- Your under the impression I mean good things

- Oh, oh shit...

- Yeah huh. Good luck Rockstar.

Kyouka blushed at that. He never gave her a nickname before. Now she has to worry about the exam and whatever the hell Nezu had planned for her. The poor girl felt like she was going to kill over right there. She looked at the metal can she had next to her. She had been puncturing it to practice but what if it wasn't enough, the Exam is tomorrow. She laid on her bed anxious. As she stared at her ceiling thoughts of Izuku came to her head. "That right he believes in me, I won't let him down." She thought with determination, she would make her robo boy proud. "Wait... MY ROBO BOY, GOD DAMN IT!"  Yep she was now fully aware that she was totally in love.

The next day....

Kyouka walked up to the UA gates with the crowd, wondering if she'll see Izuku anywhere. "Come on where are you? Surely yo-" she cut her train of thought off as she tripped. "Well shit."

Before she hit the ground she was caught by a blonde haired boy. "Don't get distracted long ears." Said Bakugo

"Sorry just looking for a friend, you see a green haired boy with robotic metal arms? He doesn't have to take the exam but I was hoping to see him."

Bakugo raised his eyebrows, "An emo? Didn't know Izuku was into that type."

"Oi, what's wrong with emo!? And you know Izuku?"

"Yeah, you could say that. Come on he said he'd be watching from the teachers area.

The two continued onward into the building to listen to the presentation given to all those attending the exam, he'll proceed to the seats of which they were given the test however when it doesn't like that to her he skipped her, and then the same with Bakugo. After handing out all the tests present Mike then went back to his desk and grab two other tests and handed them to the pair, you are looked and saw that her name was on and then instead of having an hour to do the test she only had 30 minutes along with questions that been changed from the standard test. On the side was a little note from nezu saying, "Let's see how smart my son's girlfriend really is hm?"

Keuka scramble to get as many as she couldn't only get through 2/3 of the test. Then because of my came and collected the test, however he managed to say "Don't worry if you got five of these right you passed, he made this test just to screw with you a bit. Same with Bakugo." He said just gesturing to the freaked out boy.

Now for the physical portion everyone made their way to the area after getting a number from present mic telling them which city they would be in. Bakugo and Kyouka were put into different cities. Present Mic then began to explain the exam and was explaining the robots before, "Excuse me sir! There I'd a 4th bot you have not explained, this is highly inappropriate for such a prestigious school to not explain!" We know who it is. -_-

"Oi you blue haired brat, he was about to explain that before you interrupted him."

The boy sat down as Mic continued, they thought he was dome before je said, "Now thanks to a special circumstance," he looked at Jiro, "there is a special ten pointer that you may run into, this bot is super hard to pierce but has very destructible insides." Jiro gulped, it was made to fight against what she had been training for. "Now go to the gates!"

Jiro got herself ready. The gates begin to open so she's sprinted through them, leaving all the others behind. "Hey she's cheating!" Yelled one of the students.

"There is no countdown in real life. Go go go!" Yelled present mic.

Jiro crashed through bots the best she could. By her math she had fourty points so far. She's doing fine, until it appeared. The ten pointer, the one made to fight against her.

Meanwhile in the observation room

"Seems Bakugo is doing well." Said Nezu.

Izuku was watching Kyouka though she had just met the ten pointer. "I can't believe you made another test and bot just for her and kachan." He said a bit miffed.

Nezu smiled, "Just seeing who my son seems to like having around him. I've got to see what they are made of."

"Um dad?"


"There is a blonde guy crushed under some stuff near the ten pointer."

"Well, that's not good."

Back with Jiro

Jiro saw the blonde idiot under the rubble. She used her Jacks to send Shockwaves to break the rocks to get him free. She woke him up and told him to get out of there. The blonde agreed and ran saying, "Saved by a cutie, who could ask for more?"

"I can hear the tick mark on Izuku's head." Thought jiro. There was indeed a tick mark on his head after hearing that.

She turned her attention to the bot. Stabbing it isn't going to work, so what could she do in order to destroy it? Wait it's inside is fragile. She rushed the pot jabbing her Jacks  in as far as she can. Then she sent Shockwave after Shockwave until the it fell over. With smoke coming out of it, the bot turned off beaten. She smiled, she had done it.

With Nezu

"Now for the big boi."

"Dad what is with that smirk?"

"Oh, just this." Nezu said as he pushed a button letting out the zero pointer.

"Nezu that thing will crush them." Said Aizawa.

"It will be fine."

The bot approach a section where a student was trapped and jiro tried to help them escape. Nezu pushed the button to stop it. It kept going. Everyone turned to the chimera.

He looked at them, "So slight problem."

With best girl, I mean jiro

She looked up at the giant bot about to crush her and this brown haired girl. She couldn't die here, not yet. She watched as it's foot decended upon her. Then she heard it, she heard him.

"Rrrrrrraaaaahhhhh!" A shout of rage and there he was Izuku holding the foot up and stopping it. He sent one punch to it, then another, then another, over and over until it began to shine orange and he sent one more to put the bot sky high before it exploded. He looked at the two girls, "You ok?"

Jiro just smiled and shook her head. "Yeah thanks." She said as she approached him. She got right up next to him and gave a quick kiss. "Think of this as a reward." She said.

"Contestants please leave your assigned areas." Came an announcement from the PA system.

"See you in a bit, robo rage." She said as she left with the brown haired girl.

"Hehe, I got a reward..." Thought Izuku with a lovestruck smile.

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