Weirdly Calm

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The entrance exam was finished.
Jiro decided that she would take a break before the exams scores came in, maybe she would hang out with izuku.

She got out her phone and texted the green haired cyborg boy. "Hey greenie, I'm bored."

"OK, not much I can do." Replied the boy.

"Well maybe-"

"Kyouka sweetie, how did the exam go?" Asked Mika Jiro as she barged in.

Jiro quickly hid her phone from her mom. "Um, it went fine I suppose."

"Kyouka dear, what are you hiding?" Asked her mother pointing to where she hid the phone.

"Um, my secret boyfriend?" Replied jiro trying to throw her mother off with the truth.

"Your father won't be happy."

Or not.

"Please don't tell dad."

"Kyouka, I don't even want you dating."

"Well I am, he's a great guy." She replies blushing.

"We will see." Replied her mother as she walked out.

"Well she took that better then I thought. I wonder what Izuku is doing."

"Whhhhyyyyyy?" Complained Izuku.

"You missed multiple years of school of course you need to catch up. Be happy the school system is letting me teach you or you wouldn't be attending UA this year." Replied Nezu.

"Yeah, yeah." Came the boys reply. "Thanks for that dad."

Nezu paused. He looked at the boy with a wide smile. Every other time he had called him dad or something of the nature he did so in some kind of mocking way. This had no such motivation. "Finish your studies them we will have katsudon for dinner." Nezu then walked out of the room.

Overall pretty calm... for now


Hey guys I know it's been a bit and this is short just recently got home from college and looking for a job and I've just had so much stuff to do. Have a good one, later!

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