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All rights belong to their respective owners for bnha and the song sang/written in this. Have fun meme people :).

Izuku fought for a bit against the monster now known as a nomu. He felt like something was missing though. Both in his power, like it wasn't complete. And in the fight itself. Like it was too quiet. That's what he's forgetting.

"What was that song that Kyouka made me listen too again?" Thought the boy. "Oh yeah." He said out loud as he remembered. With one of his extra arms he got out his phone, fighting off the nomu with the other three. He found the song he was looking for, at least a remix version and pushed play. He returned his phone to his pocket and sent a quick and powerful punch to the nomu knocking it back.

Standing here

I realize

The nomu rose back up to continue the battle, sending a punch at Izuku's head.

You are just like me
Trying to make history

Izuku blocks and counters it slaming his two of his fists into the nomu's stomach. It was odd how similar he and his opponent were. Both overpowering monsters with a goal to beat All Might.

But who’s to judge
The right from wrong
When our guard is down
I think we’ll both agree

But Izuku knew that just killing him was wrong, or at least the wrong reasons. Izuku wanted to beat him, but by proving he was a better hero.

That violence breeds violence
But in the end it has to be this way!

Izuku slammed the nomu's chest with a barrage of attacks. Each one leaving an indention on the monster's body.

I’ve carved my own path
You followed your wrath
But maybe we’re both the same

How close was he to being on the same path? Is that what Asura's warning was meant to prevent? Not anymore, this was his path, the path the he made. Yet, him and the nomu were still at least a little similar, if not nearly the same.

The world has turned
And so many have burned
But nobody is to blame

So many lives had been ruined in this world. He had been burned himself. Izuku delivered an two armed uppercut to the creature. The nomu was lifted of the ground, Izuku jumped after it with two beams of light sprouting from his back.

Yet staring across this barren wasted land

Now he had Kyouka, his dad, Aizawa, and so many others. Izuku used his four arms to deliver a massive combo to the monster.

I feel new life will be born

This is it, where he truly shows that this is who he is. This is his new life. He is Izuku Nezu! He is-

Beneath the blood stained sand


Beneath the blood stained sand!

Izuku delivered a mighty six armed slam back to the nomu, sending it back to the ground. Izuku punched toward the sky and used the pressure to reach the ground first. And with the last beats of the song's drums delivered the final blows to the nomu, before sending all six arms out at once, pushing the nomu into the stratosphere.

"N-n-no you weren't suppose to beat that thing! Much less have mantra!" Said the blue haired leader, whom seemed to have the same metal on his legs that izuku seemed to be made of.

"Master Tomura, we must leave. Reinforcements will arrive soon. Without the Nomu it is best we retreat." Said the mist man,appearing next to the villian known as Tomura.

"Fine, get us out of here Kurogiri." Commantes Tomura.

"Not on my watch!" Yelles Izuku as he dashed at the two, only for him to feel a kick to the chest. Izuku went flying back, too tired to recover for now. He wasn't use to this kind of power yet, it was kinda draining. The boy looked up to see Tomura with his foot pointed out. He never even saw the kick.

"Till next time, Hero." And with that the two men disappeared.

Just then the blonde dumbass himself burst through the entrance and into the room. "Where are the villains?!" Shouted All Might.

"Your too late, what villians that aren't knocked out, or in some cases dead, already escaped." Said Izuku.

"So, not only did you fight without a license, you also let the villain escape!?" Shouted AM.

"They were in danger." Came the hoarse voice of Aizawa on the ground. " Of course they had permission. And they brought an army and bio weapon made just to kill you, you big blonde walking corpse."

The rest of the heroes caught up and entered the room. The last thing g Izuku heard was his dad calling out to him before the world went black.

Kyouka or recovery girl was gonna kill him.

Izuku's Wrath // IzujirouWhere stories live. Discover now