Raging Combat (training)

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Hello real quick I wanted to let you know I intend to make another Bnha story but I want to try and do something I haven't done before and maybe do a harem type. The AU will be something close to my heart so see the end for more details.

Also I do not own any songs that I may use within these stories.


Izuku and Co. Were in class like normal when Aizawa had to announce their next class.

"Alright and next we have combat training. With some people's least favorite person." He said the last part under his breath.

Izuku knew who it was, Nezu had told him he couldn't fire him as it would arouse to much heat on him and UA.

"I AM HERE!" Came AM's annoying voice as he entered. "ENTERING THE CLASSROOM LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!"

"Wow it's All Might!" Was one of the cheers that was heard. Although what they had learned the previous day still layed within some of their minds.

"Yo, Izubro, you good?" Asked Kirishima in a whisper. "You look like you didn't sleep at all."

"I didn't." Izuku replied. Thanks to the quick transition of power and not knowing what it was he exactly obtained, he decided to train a bit when he got home. And on the very first use of it, he blew his arm off. Literally. Luckily Mantra seems to be able to repair him as long as he has a good supply. And with most of UA on his side he has a decent amount. His dad helped him to figure out how to limit his power to a degree so right now he's at 40% from what they could gather. He of course let Kyouka and Kachaan know he didn't sleep, that his power lets him heal, the new quirk and his limit. He may have left out the blowing his arm off, which he almost let out when they asked how he knew he could heal, but they didn't need to know that. He hoped. "I had a new development last night and had to train." Was all he gave Kirishima.

"Everyone meet I'm city A for combat training. But what is a hero without their costume?!" He yells as he presses a button and opens the walls to reveal their cases with their costumes in them. "Get dressed and meet in City A!"

The boys began to get dressed, but well, a little grapist just had to piss izuku off even more today.

(I felt really fucking pervy writing this. Reading it is one thing but making it is another.)

Finding a hole in the wall Mineta Shouted to the boys, "look the upper classemen left us a gift! I can't wait to see uraraka's thighs, Momo's huge curves, Mina's-"

Then suddenly Mineta was, pushed, intot he wall do hard that Kyouka's jack went into his eye and the wall had sustained serious damage.

Kyouka chuckled a bit. "Thanks Izu baby!"

"NO problem Rockstar!"

Everyone left their respective changing rooms I their costumes. (Same as canon.) All except Izuku who was last. Finally he came out.

(Minus the sword... for now.....maybe)

"Wow cool izubro!" Commented Kirishima.

"Dammit why does he have to be that hot in his hero costume too!" Thought Kyouka.

The class assemble in front of AM foe their lesson.

"Good, most of you look like promising young heroes! Now the exercise we will be doing is heroes vs villians. The villain team will be in charge of hiding a fake bomb within this building. The hero team will come up with a strategy to either defeat all the villian and subduing them with the capture tape or simply touching the bomb. As for who you will be paired with, you will draw these balls from this box to see. Black means you are a villian, gold hero. Find the other person with your letter and thats your teammate. Any questions?"

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