A parental dinner

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Saturday rolled around for Izuku and Kyouka pretty quick, although not as quick as if someone had left them alone more often. Katsuki and Nezu made sure to check on them constantly through the rest of the week to make sure they were behaving. Right now Kyouka was approaching Izuku's room to see if he was ready. And of course he's not.

"Izuku! Come on get ready!" Shouted the purplette.

"Ready? For what?" Asked her now confused boyfriend.

"I told you we'd be having dinner at my house didn't I? Come on robo-bean." She said as she pulled out clothes for him.

"I just thought that after everything that it'd be canceled is all." Replied izuku.

"Well it's not. I already made sure to tell them we'd be by at six." His girlfriend responded. "And after tonight, I'm going to go back to what I did on a regular basis. No more training excessively, no more acting all sweet and kind every single second, and finally going to some concerts, I've gotten pretty sick of crying over the past few weeks," she turned and pushed the clothes into his chest, "Got it? Or are we gonna have a talk about this, Izuku?" She said with a sickening sweet smile.

Izuku nodded his head religiously. The tone of voice and scary smile made him gulp as she talked.

She turned to walk out the door. "Good boy, now its five currently so we have an hour to get there, and I already told your dad." She turned to look at him in his doorway. "Come on, chop chop."

Izuku has never been so fast to make himself look presentable.


The pair arrived at the Jiro household nearly ten minutes before six. Kyouka knocked on the door as she let herself and her boyfriend in.

"Mom, dad! We're here!" She Shouted.

Her father walked in with a plain blazer and some regular pants. "Hi baby, you two been ok? I'm glad your here."

"Yes, dad, we have been fine. How's been things here?" Asked the shortest of the jiros.

"Strained to say the least." Replied the patriarch. "Ah, well come on dinner is already cooked."

The group joined the Matriarchal Jiro at the table. On the table was Udon, Katsudon, fruit, and few other foods.

"We decided to fix you two's favorites tonight, hope you enjoy." Said Kyotoku.

"Thank you very much sir." Rsponded Izuku, trying to be respectful.

Mika Jiro remained silent. She merely watched.

Meanwhile Kyouka smiled, at least her dad seemed to be coming around.

They had a pretty civil dinner all things considered. Kyotoku shared some embarrassing stories, izuku talked about some of the shenanigans at UA, and Kyouka about her favorite bands.

One dinner was done, Mika got up to wash the dishes. Izuku was about to follow to help but Kyouka grabbed his shoulder and put him back in his chair before following her mother.

"This going to be ok?" Asked the boy.

"Probably not." Said Kyotoku as he took a sip from his drink.

The two sighed and Kyotoku listened to Izuku and what had happened to him. Izuku learned of Kyotoku's past of rebellion and how he came to be a musician. Then they heard it. The shouting.


"Welp there's mine." Said Kyotoku.


"Aaannndddd there's mine. Should we intervene in this?"

"Be my guest, imma sit my happy ass right here thank you very much. I like my ears just how they are."

"Fair point."

It wasn't long before Kyouka came back huffing and puffing. She grabbed her boyfriend and matched through the door, dragging him along the way.

"By Mr. Jiro have a goodnight." Izuku Said waving.

"You too kid, take care of her and yourself."

Kyouka slammed the door on the way out. Kyotoku went to wrangle his wife.

Yay fun family night.


Hey guys sorry I've been gone. So I had midterms, work, a few smaller things, but as of today the starter on my car stopped working. So yeah, I'm having so much fun. Thanks for being patient.

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