Chapter 3 - The North [Part 1 - Preparation]

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To think that I was only made by Mr. Aaron just yesterday yet there are already so many unusual things, from my perspective at the least, that happened around me - Being introduced as the fifth new member of Sergeant Charlotte's squad which includes people with rather 'interesting' characteristics; Someone that is obsessed with the sergeant, a friend of his that takes pleasure out of other people's suffering, someone who manages to always come in perfect timing, and someone loud who can't get along with others. You can also say that this was my first time, as a soldier name 'Rem', exchanging long replies with other humans other than Mr. Aaron and General Roger.

Moving on to the current matter -

We are now being called by General Roger. According to Math, the country Kon is attacking the North again. From the newspaper I read yesterday, they also attacked the North that day. So that means two consecutive attacks, or maybe more if there was one the day before I was created.

Math, Ken, and I met up with Sergeant Charlotte at our squad's tent where she seemed to be waiting for us. Without saying a word, she immediately threw a punch at Ken's stomach while muttering all kinds of curse words her mind can think of. After that, she then turned his head to look at me. Expecting a punch from her too, she just glared at me and carried on lecturing us both for about five minutes. Before we started to walk to General Roger's tent, Ken received another punch from her in the stomach saying that she only felt like doing it. What an unreasonable Sergeant she is...

As we were walking, I thought that all of the soldiers in the camp are being called but I only noticed we were the only ones heading to the tent where General Roger is calling us.

As we were entering the tent, we saw General Roger drinking coffee while comfortably sitting in his chair. "You're late, Sergeant Charlotte," he said. "Where have you been?"

Inside the tent, I also saw Shaun and Luna looking fidgety while holding a salute. All of us here, not including General Roger, is Sergeant's Charlotte squad. It seemed that Ken and I were the only ones missing here earlier. No wonder Sergeant Charlotte punched Ken in the stomach. But why did she leave me out...?

"Sorry, sir!" Sergeant Charlotte shouted, saluting. "Some idiots ran off when you called us." She emphasized the word 'idiots' while glancing at Ken and me.


This was the first time I saw Sergeant Charlotte show respect to a higher rank. Showing respect in general, rather. This is the first time I heard Sergeant Charlotte apologize too. Is this what you call a change of heart? I don't know, not that I have one...

"...Who in the hell do you think is at fault for that?" Ken muttered.

Sergeant Charlotte somewhat heard what Ken said and subtly glared at him.

"...!" Ken shivered and looked away immediately.

Seeing Sergeant Charlotte's glare, I subconsciously looked away too. I don't know either why...

"...Well anyway, I'm sure that you know what's happening," General Roger interrupts, proceeding to tell the reason why we are being called. "Kon is attacking at the North again, but they reported that their soldiers weren't that many and they just needed a little backup. I'm appointing your squad to provide them with some. Can I ask you that?"


Even without asking us. An order is an order, especially coming from the General himself.

"Yes, sir!" Sergeant Charlotte shouted.

"Rem, can I take your time?" General Roger added. "I want to talk to you in private."

I looked at Sergeant Charlotte who was leaving the tent. "...Yeah, sure," she lazily said, stepping out of the tent without pausing.

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