Prologue (must read)

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Maryanne was the light of her parents lives. They gave her everything. Toys, food, love, happiness. It was rare for them to say no. Which some would say made maryanne spoilt. But you can't spoil a good child. Her parents loved her more than anything. But something changed. They lived in a big house in England and then suddenly, bags were being packed, her parents were crying and they ended up in America.

Maryanne was only 5 when they moved to America. She didn't understand why and no one was telling her anything. She just remembers a party, where everyone wore black. But no one was dancing, instead they were crying. There was a picture of her grandmother at the party, and from then on, maryanne never saw her grandmother again.

After that, her parents decided to stay in America as her mother was American and wanted to be with her family. Maryanne wasn't really fussed where they ended up. So long as they were together, she was happy. And then, it all went south.

That day will haunt her for the rest of her life. Waking up to her father as he lifts her up, her mother by his side. Flames were everywhere. They kept running until they found a window. They managed to get maryanne out and to the neighbours who were trying to help. But then the roof collapsed.

They had another one of those parties. But this time, she was told why. Her mothers family took her in and explained that her parents were in heaven. That's why they had a party. Except it wasn't a party at all. It was a funeral. A way to say goodbye. But maryanne didn't want to say goodbye. Yet she had no choice

"You look wonderful maryanne" her aunt said to her after she'd just put on her black dress

"I don't want to go" the poor girl cried. She wanted her mother to hug her but all she got was a sharp sting to her cheek putting her in shock

"I only do this because I love you. Sometimes, we must do things we don't want to do. Up to this point, you have lived like a princess. But you aren't a princess maryanne. You are not special. You are just like the rest of us. I love you very much dear. But you need to learn your place in the world" her aunt told her.

A week later, a lady came to take maryanne away

"I don't understand" she says

"I can't look after you. I'm sorry dear. You are truly a very good child and I love you terribly. But everytime I look at you, I see my poor sister. It hurts too much. Know that I love you but I can not give you the love and care that you need. I am sorry" and then she was dragged into a car and taken away.

For the next 2 weeks, she lived in a house with a man and his wife. But she did not like them. Not in the slightest. They were kind and sweet and caring. But it wasn't enough. For maryanne, they were not her family. They were looking after her because it was a job, charity work, not because they loved her.

So one night, she left. No bags, no shoes, no coat. She didn't really think this through to be honest. It was pitch black, she was cold and scared, hugging her body to keep warm as she walked around. There was a man behind her

"Why don't you come back to mine?" He kept asking over and over as she picked up the pace. He was clearly drunk and maryanne regretted her decision to leave. Now she'd do anything to be inside. She didn't care who with. So long as it wasn't this man. And then she saw two men coming out of a shop, laughing and smiling. Whilst she didn't know or trust them, they were the better of two bad options. Either stay with this maniac who was following her. Or take her chances and trust a stranger. Which brings us on to the story....

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