10- Hospital

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I am in no way a doctor and get all my facts from Google so it's probably completely in accurate

Maryanne has been staying with them for 4 months now. They're a family and they all absolutely love it. It's safe to say that mickey is definetly very motherly. He does her hair every morning and paints her nails and they go shopping whilst Ian plays more games with her and gives them the money to go shopping. It works for them and they adore their little family

The nightmares don't seem to have stopped so mickey and ian take every opportunity to have a nap during the day, often together whilst maryanne is at school. She likes school now. That's a lie. She hates it but not as much as before. She goes and has realised that there is no point in crying when it doesn't help her at all anyway.

Mickey wakes up to kisses on the back of his neck

"Hmm...been a long time since we did this first thing in the morning" he groans as ians hand tries to pull his pants down

"Wait! Did you get up with anne last night?" Ian asks sitting up as mickey does the same

"No. Oh shit" they both ran to maryannes room to check she was OK. Low and behold, she was in her bed, hair everywhere, snoring softly. The pair take a sigh of relief before carefully closing the door and going into the kitchen

"Did she sleep through the whole night?" Ian asks in shock

"Looks like it. Maybe she stopped having those nightmares"

"God I hope so. I hate seeing her cry like that. Breaks my heart" Ian replies. They get some breakfast and then maryanne walks in. She's more tired than usual, rubbing her eyes and whimpering

"What's up buttercup?" Mickey asks lifting her up. She buries her head in his neck and close her eyes. Mickey creases his eyebrows before pulling her back to feel her forehead

"She's burning up" he tells Ian. He takes her temperature and it was 41 (I'm British. Normal temp is 36. 41 is fever level)

"Should we take her the hospital?" Mickey asks panicking

"She's just got a fever. I'll give her some medicine and we'll see if it goes down" Ian gets the medicine and tries to give it to her but she won't open her mouth. Ian taps the back of her head making her gasp so Ian puts the medicine in

"I don't like it" she cries and mickey bounces her up and down around the living room in hopes of sending her asleep. Which does work eventually, but only after mickey had sung her a lullaby

He puts her on ians knee on the sofa

"It's still not gone down any" Ian says after an hour

"Now do we take her the hospital?" Mickey asks

"Ye, now we'll take her the hospital" Ian says. They stand up and get dressed quickly as mickey panics

"Mick, look at me. She'll be fine. Kids get sick all the time. And they get better all the time. We're just going as a precaution. Nothing serious" Ian tries to convince both mickey and himself. Maryanne was sleeping in their bed as they got dressed, taking it in turns to watch her.

They get into the car, ian driving and mickey in the back with maryanne

"She doing OK?" Ian asks every now and then as they drove to the hospital. Mickey always answered

"She's the same" until they were almost at the hospital and he said

"Ian she's not breathing"


"She's not fucking breathing" mickey panicked. He lay her down and started doing chest compressions as he sobbed. Ian drove as fast as he could and then park at the hospital

"Help. My daughter isn't breathing" he said through tears. The nurses rushed over and pulled mickey away as they started doing cpr on the car park

Ian held mickey as they both cried

"Ian what if-"

"Don't say it. Don't say it" they couldn't take their eyes away from the horrific scene as their daughter got closer and closer to death. Then one nurse shouted

"I've got a pulse" they let out a sob of relief, ian had his hands on his head in frustration but also relief. They followed them into the hospital and once maryanne was in a room, they had to wait outside

Mickey sits down and begins crying with Ian as they hug one another

"She'll be ok. She's in the best possible place" Ian says

"That was so fucking scary" mickey replies, his body shaking from the shock

"I know baby. I know"

A nurse came over and began to explain the situation

"Diabetes?" Mickey asks

"Yes sir. But she is now stable and whilst she will be on medication for life, it can be controlled. She should wake up soon. Would you like to see her?" They nod and stand up before going in to sit at her bedside. Ian starts crying at the sight whilst mickey just held his hand, in too much shock to cry

They sit either side of her, holding her hand. The social worker turns up, asks them about what happened and talks to the nurses before leaving.

"They could take her away from us" Ian says wiping his eyes

"But we won't let them. We'll travel all the way to fucking Mexico if we have to. She's our daughter and they can't take her"

"Daddy, papa" they hear a whisper. They stop talking and look at maryanne who was waking up with tears in her eyes

"Ye sweetpea. Daddy and papa are here. We're here" Ian says kissing her forehead and holding her hand as he wipes away the fallen tear

Maryanne was in hospital for one more week before being sent home with insulin and a monitor to manage her diabetes. In that 1 week, they figured out that mickey was papa and ian was daddy. Maryanne didn't mention the sudden change in names so they just went with it and were incredibly happy about it

On the way home, ian was in the back with maryanne, both very tired

"We going home?" She asks sleepily

"Ye baby, we're going home" mickey replies from the front seat. Within seconds, maryanne was asleep and safe

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