12- Arguments

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The next morning, maryanne woke up long before Ian and mickey. But instead of making them get up like usual, she left the bed very quietly and went into the kitchen. With difficulty, she manages to reach the sweet jar and giggles to herself whilst stuffing her face happily

Mickey and ian woke up spooning one another

"Goodmorning" Ian mumbles kissing the back of mickeys neck

"Morning. Where's blondie?"

"She must have got herself up. I'll go check on her" he replies, dragging himself out of bed and going to find maryanne

"Anne how come you- shit" he grabbed the jar off her which was now almost empty and made her sit on the worktop

"You do not do that OK? We spoke about this! That was very naughty maryanne" mickey heard the shouting and went in to see what was going on

"You OK?" He asks

"Go and get her insulin quickly" Ian ordered and mickey didn't wait for an explanation. He came back with her insulin and ian sorted out the needle

"No no" maryanne began to cry jumping off the worktop and running away but mickey caught her and lifted her up

"I don't wanna" she sobbed clinging onto mickey for dear life. He sat down on the sofa with her wrapped around him. His hand supporting the back of her head as he made her look away, kissing her forehead

"Shhh. It'll be over soon. Just hold still or it'll hurt more babes" mickey tells her. He holds her leg still after she tried to kick away and ian puts the needle into her leg, causing her to sob into mickey. Once he takes it out, mickey let's go of maryanne and she tries to run away but ian gets her and makes her sit down infront of them

"We need you to understand that you can not be eating food without asking me or papa first. It'll make you poorly and you'll have to have an injection just like that. You never do that again, do you understand?" Ian says crouching infront of her angrily as she crosses her arms and scowls at him

"Do you understand maryanne? What you did was very very bad, you got that? We don't want you to be sick so you gotta follow the rules" they knew they were being harsh, but they wanted her to know that she can't do it again. If they don't wake up in time, it could be a whole different story

"I hate you" she screams running off into her room

"Maryanne Caroline Brown! You get your ass back here right now" mickey yells but the next thing they hear is a door slamming

"So what now?" Ian asks

"I...I don't know. If I spoke to my dad like that, I'd be dead. I don't know what parents are supposed to do after shit like that" mickey says

"Well we can't let her get away with being disrespectful. So we ground her for a couple days or take her ipad off her. What you think?" Ian suggests

"I think we should stop her watching TV for the week. That's what they do in the movies" mickey shrugs and they both agree, walking to maryannes room

"Anne, can we come in?"

"You've got legs" she grumbles back. They try not to get angry and walk in, sitting on little plastic chairs infront of her bed where she was sat down with tears down her face

"So here's the deal blondie. No more TV for a week as punishment for being disrespectful." Mickey starts

"But papa" she whines

"No. Your actions have consequences. You need to understand that. You follow our simple rules of asking when you want something and you learn some manners. In return, we will be as patient as we can and we'll try not to yell at you as much. Deal?"

"OK fine" she says. They thank her and walk out the room, leaving her to sulk

"I feel like such a dick" mickey groans

"Don't. We aren't here to be her friends. We're her parents. And I think we're doing a pretty good job so far" Ian tries to reassure him, kissing him before mickey goes to watch TV whilst Ian does some exercise. Mickey watches with a smirk on their face until maryanne comes out of her room and goes to hug and kiss mickey

"I'm sorry papa"

"That's OK baby. I'm sorry too" he says. Then she goes over to Ian who was doing press ups

 Then she goes over to Ian who was doing press ups

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"I'm sorry daddy"

"I'm sorry too. You staying there?" He asks and maryanne says yes through her giggles as he does his work out with the help of maryanne. He uses her as weights, lifting her up and down whilst mickey watches, taking a few sneaky pictures to save as his wallpaper

"OK. That's enough" Ian says lying on the ground panting

"Wow. I'm not even tired" maryanne laughs as Ian glares at her

"Come on, you take a shower and ill give her a bath" mickey says lifting maryanne up before she can run away. He carries her into the bathroom and makes her sit down on a chair as he runs the bath so she can't run away. He does this because whenever she has a bath, just for fun, she runs like her life depends on it. And it turns bathtime into something which takes several hours


"Yes baby"

"Do you think daddy will be sad?" Maryanne asks

"No of course not. How can he be when he has you" mickey replies

"Not new daddy. My old daddy" mickey sighs, thinking of what to say before hugging her and kissing her forehead

"I think he would he so proud of you. And i don't know him, but any father would be happy to know their child is safe and happy and loved. Your mummy and daddy will love you forever and you'll love them. But they just want you to be happy. Are you happy blondie?"

"I'm happy with you and daddy. I like living here" mickey smiles sadly, kissing her forehead before giving her a bubble bath. He dries her hair and puts her in bed ready to sleep

"You gonna sing mick?" Ian asks smirking

"Ye sing" she cheers. Mickey holds his middle fingers up at mickey when maryanne isn't looking

"OK ok ill sing. But you gotta close your eyes and sleep" so Ian and maryanne close their eyes as mickey sings to them, sending them both into a deep peaceful sleep

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