2- Boredom

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The next morning, Maryanne got up and dressed before going downstairs to her Foster parents. Jackie and Paul. Now what you must understand about Jackie and Paul, they are lovely people. They aren't trying to replace her parents. And they are being as understanding as possible. Making sure to not overstep any boundaries. But that doesnt mean they are a good fit for Maryanne.

No one should hate on Jackie and Paul. Not yet at least. They are trying their best but it's hard for Maryanne to get used to. And so far, the only people who've brought her some form of comfort was the two mystery men that saved her last night. So today, she was going to see them

"Morning maryanne. Did you sleep well?" Jackie asked smiling as she put a plate of pancakes infront of the girl

"Fine thanks. I'm sorry for running away" she sighs sadly as Jackie and Paul sit opposite her. She knew she was about to get a lecture of some sorts

"It was a very silly thing to do. You are very lucky those men were kind enough to help you. But I understand why you did it. You felt like you couldn't talk to us. Well you can. I promise, we aren't here to judge or overstep any boundaries. But any time you need a rant, about anyone including ourselves, then we are here to listen. And we won't take offence to anything you say. Just next time, whether you speak to us or want some time alone, don't run off in the middle of the night. Had us worried sick" Paul says before smiling at her and ruffling her hair

"I should go to work now or I'll be late. Have a wonderful day" he kissed Jackie and high fived maryanne before leaving

"What can we do today?" Maryanne asked

"Well I have some house work to get done. You could always help if you really want" Jackie said but laughed at the look of disgust on maryannes face

"Or perhaps you can go and play in the park across the street. But don't go any further than that please. I'll call for you when it's time for lunch" maryanne smiled and quickly got out of her seat, running around the table to hug Jackie before then running out the door to the park.

She was in the park for an hour or two before she got bored. This was her chance. Jackie wasn't looking out the kitchen window. She was sure she could remember where the men lived. So she ran as fast as she could until she found the shop, and from there, she knew where she was going

Mickey and Ian were in bed still when there was a knock on the door. They lay there knowing someone else would answer it. And then Ian heard her voice

"Mick. Mick" Ian said whacking his husband

"Bitch fuck off" mickey groans

"I think that girl is here from last night" Ian says. They get up and go downstairs seeing maryanne talking with Debbie

"Yay" she cheers running into mickeys arms as he lifts her up

"Didn't tell me there was a kid here last night" Debbie says

"Ye well just til her Foster mom came and got her" Ian answers. He looks over and sees mickey tickling maryanne as she was squealing with laughter

"I wanna play with you today. The kids at the park are boring" she begs

"What will your Foster mom say about this?" Ian asks

"She said its fine because you were very nice last night. Pretty please with a cherry ontop" her bottom lip was stuck out as she looked at mickey

"Oh fucking god dammit. You gotta stop doing that blondie. Alright, if your Foster mom says it's ok then sure" she hugs mickey as Ian smiles at the sight. They get dressed and then meet maryanne downstairs. They had the house to themselves other than Debbie who was sleeping

"So what do you do for fun kid?" Mickey asks

"Well might help if you tell me your names first"

"I'm mickey"

"And I'm ian"

"When I'm bored at home, I'd ride the horses. Or go on holiday" maryanne says

"Ye...we don't have any horses...and dont think we're allowed to take you on holiday" Ian tells her

"Then I don't know. I guess I'm just bored then" she whines

"Let's shoot things up" mickey suggests

"I've never used a gun before" and their Jaws drop

"You live here and you've never used a gun!" Ian is in shock

"They aren't legal in England. And daddy never let me use his hunting gun"

"Well fuck me sideways. OK blondie, we gonna teach you how to use a gun. Come on" Ian puts her on his shoulders as they walk round the back. Mickey sets up some cans and shoots them down. Maryanne instantly covers her ears and closes her eyes until Ian has lifted her off his shoulders and is setting her on the ground

"It's alright. It's just a bang. It can't hurt you. I promise" he says

"Do you wanna stop?" Mickey asks but she shakes her head

"No. I just didn't think it would be that loud" maryanne replies truthfully. Mickey helps her hold the gun and pull the trigger as Ian watches nervously. They fire a few which she laughs at, finding it very fun until soon, Debbie comes into the back yard

"Are you insane?" Debbie asks

"Relax it's just a gun" ian says

"Not about the gun. Do you realise you are basically kidnappers?" She panics

"What the fuck you on about?" Mickey asks

"The police are searching the neighbourhood for a missing child. 6 years old called maryanne. Wouldn't happen to be the same maryanne you have in your arms would it?" Debbie yells before going inside not wanting to deal with it

"Now I want you to be honest. Does you Foster mom really know you're here?" Ian asks and maryanne looks down, shaking her head

"Oh fuck" mickey says

"Right. I know as adults we should not be doing this. But we need to keep this little thing between us. We're gonna go to your Foster mom and we'll just say that we found you walking about and decided to take you home. Alright?" She nods, ashamed at the lies she told. Ian lifts her up and they take her home. There are police cars outside the house and Jackie and Paul run up to maryanne

"Oh thank god"

"Ye we found her walking about. Thought we'd bring her home" mickey says

"You two are a blessing to society. Thank you so much" Jackie says kissing their cheeks. Maryanne looks back at mickey and ian

"I'm sorry" she whispers with tears in her eyes. They smile at her and then leave, not wanting to be arrested for accidental kidnapping

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