16- Arrested

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"Can we go again?" She asks

"I think it's about time we test your blood sugar levels. Plenty more rides, don't you worry" mickey lifts her up and they sit down on a bench. He tests her blood levels

"Yep. Too high. Think it's all the adrenaline. You gonna be brave for me?" Mickey begs

"It's ok papa. I don't think I'll cry this time" she says

"Oh really?"

"Ye. It has to be done and it doesn't hurt that much. I just don't like the thought" mickey nods in understanding

"You hold my hand and look away OK?"

"I don't need to hold your hand. I'm a big girl" mickey chuckles but let's her make her own mind up. He goes to inject her thigh but suddenly she reaches for his hand

"I changed my mind" he holds her hand and injects her. A single tear falls from her face but that's it. Mickey hugs her and kisses her

"You are so brave. I'm so proud of you" she smiles at him, grateful.

"Am I getting a party?" She asks

"Of course you are. Only 3 more weeks until your birthday. You made that list yet?" He asks

"Not yet"

"That's alright. We can make it whilst in the queue for the next ride" mickey says throwing her over his shoulder and running towards the roller-coaster as she screams with giggles

As they queue up, they make a list. Mickey notes everything down on his phone

"So what do you want off me and daddy?"

"A puppy" she says

"Absolutely not" mickey replies


"Because they poop and pee and they're loud and messy" mickey explains

"But you do all those things and we keep you" she grumbles

"Don't be cheeky. Come on. You must want something else. Something that's preferably not living"

"Ugh fine. Please can I have a pink bike?"

"I'll add it to the list but no promises" mickey says although he knew full well he'd get her a bike

"Can I have dance lessons?"

"You want dance lessons? I didn't know you liked to dance" mickey says

"My friends at school go. And a lady came in for an assembly the other day and she showed us all how to dance and it was really really fun. Pretty please" she begs

"I'll think about it. What dance?"

"Ballet" they continue making a list of smaller less expensive things that her uncles and aunts can get her before mickey sends the list to them all

They go on the ride and then queue for another. They were enjoying themselves and mickey felt like he was healing his inner child. He was always worried he'd be a shitty dad but if today taught him anything, it's that he is nothing like Terry

Mickey was holding maryanne for a little while because her feet were aching from standing up

"Can we call daddy and see if he's better?"

"No baby, he needs to get as much rest as possible" mickey says kissing her cheek

"OK papa" she grumbles. A woman and a man behind them were tutting and muttering to one another, staring at mickey as they did so

"You got a problem?" He asks

"No no. Just saying how lovely your daughters hair is. Did you do it?" The woman asks

"Ye" mickey says looking at her weird

"Well it's lovely. Very cute" mickey goes back to talking with maryanne, ignoring the couple at their 2 children as they were abit weird. When they got to the front of the ride, their were police stood waiting. Mickey kept his head down

"Excuse me, we need you to come with us sir" the officer said


"Can you prove that this child belongs to you? Or that you have permission from her parents to have her?" The office asks

"What the fuck? You think I kidnapped her? She's my Foster daughter" mickey yells. He goes to get his phone out so someone can find proof of the papers but it's dead after making that list with maryanne

"This was you wasn't it? Well come on you fucktard" mickey goes to punch the man but he's held back by police who arrest him, meanwhile maryanne is crying

"Papa. I want papa. You're hurting him" she cries kicking to get out of the officers arms

"Maryanne, its alright, its fine. You be a good girl for me. I promise, everything will be fine" mickey knew things would be fine. If they called social services then they would have the papers to prove it. But didn't stop how shitty the whole situation was

Mickey was under police custody until eventually, after several hours, it was proven that she was his daughter. They brought maryanne to him and she clung to him, shaking and crying into his shoulder

"You lot happy?" Mickey yells at the officers. They give him the good to go and by that time, it was 11pm. It had been a long day and maryanne fell asleep in the car. He walked in and gave her to lip

"Hey. Thought you'd be back hours ago. Everything OK?" Lip asks worried

"Got fucking arrested all because some stuck up rich couple thought I'd kidnapped her. My phone was dead so I had no proof that I was fostering her. But they managed to get proof from social services. Took forever though"

"Shit man. Was she OK?"

"Abit shook up but she had a good day. Thanks for watching her. I should get back to Ian. I told fiona I'd be no later than 8" mickey kissed maryannes head and drove to his and ians apartment

"Where have you been? I've been calling you. I thought you'd ran away with maryanne"

"I wouldn't fucking do that. He's my husband. I got fucking arrested because they thought I kidnapped maryanne. It's all be dropped thank god. Ian any better?"

"Shit. I'm sorry. No he's not. I managed to get him in the shower but then he just went back to bed" fiona explains

"OK well thanks for watching him. And for looking after maryanne all week"

"You're welcome. Call me if you need" mickey nods and then goes to the sofa to sleep

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