13- Poor Ian

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Mickey was running around trying to get maryanne ready for school. They were very late and Ian was still asleep

"Where are your shoes?" Mickey asks and maryanne just shrugs before getting back to watching TV as mickey groans

"Go and find them whilst I make your lunch. Maryanne now" mickey says and she rolls her eyes before running to find her shoes. Mickey was trying to make her sandwiches when maryanne came running back to the kitchen

"Daddy cuts them into triangles" she mumbles

"Ye well papa does rectangles. Tastes the same, I promise" he said

"Nuh uh. Triangles taste better. And you gotta cut the crusts off cuz they give you curly hair and I don't want curly hair" mickey sighs after hearing that silly wives tale.

"I'm not remaking them. If you don't like them, don't eat them" he puts them in her lunch box

"Did you find your shoes?"

"Nope" she answers popping the p

"Jesus fuck" he yells running around to find her shoes

"Ha you said fuck" maryanne laughs

"No. Don't say that word" mickey says, sternly pointing his finger at her 

"But you said that word' she whines

"I'm a grown up"

"That's not fair"

"That's life. Go and brush your hair" mickey tells her

"But I need platts"

"I don't have time today blondie. Go on, please be quick" mickey runs around getting the last things for school, books, shoes, bag etc.

"Baby, come here a min" maryanne skips to him happily. He lifts her onto the work top and hugs her randomly

"I love you"

"I love you too papa" mickey has her insulin needle in his hand and puts it into her leg. She tries to squirm but hes holding her too tight. When he pulls away, she starts crying

"That was mean" she sobs but he lifts her up and kisses her cheek

"Im sorry but it had to be done"

He goes into their bedroom and ian is still asleep. He is normally up for maryanne. Mickey plants a kiss to his forehead and then decides to let him sleep whilst he runs with maryanne to the car. He drops her off at school and gives her a kiss

"Is daddy OK?" She asks as they walk to the office

"Ye baby he's fine. Just tired. But don't worry, he'll be just fine for your party. You'll have to make a list of things you want for your birthday. Not long now. You're gonna be so old" mickey says

"Hey! I'm not old. You're old enough to be a wizard"

"A wizard?"

"Ye. Like gandalf or dumbledore" mickey ruffles her hair and then signs her in (she was late). He drives back to the apartment and ian is awake but still in bed

"Hey. You getting up? Thinking since she's at school, we could get a McDonald's or something. Just don't tell her" mickey says and ian doesn't reply

"Yo gallagher, you good?" He asks stroking ians hair

Ian just buries his head into the pillow more

"You been taking your fucking meds?" Mickey asks worried. When ian doesn't reply, he curses under his breath and goes to make a phone call

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