19- Mummy

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Maryanne woke up in the middle of the night. She couldn't stop thinking about her party. And ian. She wanted to have the best birthday ever, but it seemed impossible without him there. He was her rock. Always looked after her and now he wouldn't even be there on her favourite day of the year (besides christmas).

"Go back to sleep" mickey grumbled as she wriggled in bed

"I cant" she whispered. Micky groaned but opened his eyes and switched on the bedside lamp

"What's up buttercup?" He asks as she sits on his lap and curls into a ball, her head on his chest

"I don't know how to feel. In confused man" she sighs making mickey chuckle

"Tell me all about" he says

"My brain is telling me to enjoy the party. I love food and bouncy castles and music. But my heart doesn't agree" she says sadly

"Oh no. Whats your heart telling you?" Mickey asks

"That daddy should be there. And I feel guilty for being excited about the party whilst he's poorly" mickey sighs and hugs her closer, kissing her head

"Don't feel bad. He wouldn't want that. You gotta try and enjoy the party. This is your day. You can play with your friends and eat cake and just have fun. Don't even think about your daddy because u promise, he wouldn't want you to be sad. And then after, we can see him and you can tell him all about it. It'll cheer him up to know how much fun you were having" maryanne nods and hugs mickey round the waist

"Will you sing for me?"

"Of course blondie. You lie down and close your eyes, try get some sleep"

The next morning, they went round the gallaghers house. Maryanne went to watch TV with Kev and Carl whilst v and fiona, and lip were talking to mickey. They were whispering about Ian and if the surprise was ready, if he was ready and how maryanne would react. Then maryanne went over to them

"What you talking about?" She asks

"Your birthday" v says happily but maryannes smile drops instantly

"No. I don't want a stupid birthday" she yells, running out the house. They were in shock as mickey chased after her. She was running down the street until mickey caught up with her

"Hey hey" mickey says as she hits him, trying to get away

"Sshhh. It's ok it's ok" he says. She eventually gives in and collapses in his arms, sobbing as he hugs her and strokes her hair

"What's going on baby?" He asks

"I want my mummy" she cries. Mickey hugs her again and closes his eyes trying not to cry. He was so angry with himself

"I know princess. But listen, your mummy would be so proud of you. She would I promise. You are the most incredible little girl. And she would want you to enjoy yourself. It's ok to miss her. And it's ok to cry. But please don't throw away your birthday. It's supposed to be a special day. And ya know what, she's still with you. All the time. I promise, she won't ever leave you maryanne. She'd want you to have the best birthday ever. Now I'm not your mum. And I cant even compare to her. But we can still have an amazing day. We can do any birthday traditions with you that you would normally do with your mummy. Anything at all. But you don't need to rush it. You're so brave maryanne"

"Can we go and see her grave on my birthday?" She asks

"Of course we can. Do you know where she's buried?" Mickey asks. Maryanne shakes her head sadly

"That's OK. I'll make a few calls and figure it out for you. We'll go and we can take some flowers if you'd like. That sound good?"

"Ye. Thank you papa. I love you"

"I love you too blondie. You ready to go back to the gallaghers?" He asks. She shakes her head, abit too embarrassed by her outcry

"That's OK. We can take a walk for a while or we could-"

"I wanna go on the park" mickey smiles and agrees. They walk to the park and mickey pushes her on the swings for abit

"I just gotta make a phone call real quick" maryanne goes on the slides whilst mickey watches from a distance, calling fiona

M= mickey, f= fiona

F: is everything OK?
M: fuck no. She was upset because its her first birthday without her mum
F: shit
M: I know. I hadn't even thought of that. How could I forget something like that?
F: it's not your fault mickey. We all forgot
M: ye well, I said we can do some traditions that she did with her mom and then we can go visit their grave. You think you could figure out where they're buried? If not you then lip or Carl
F: ye. I'll tell everyone now and we'll get to work on it
M: Right thanks. I gotta go

Mickey hung the phone up because he saw some kid push maryanne off the swing. He expected her to cry but instead, she stood up, dusted herself off, and punched the kid in the face

"Oh my god. Henry! Are you alright?" A woman yelled out

"Nice punch blondie" mickey says ruffling her hair as she beams

"Did you see what your daughter has done to my son?" The woman gasps showing his busted lip as he cries

"Ye. I taught him a lesson. Don't mess with maryanne gallavich you dick" maryanne says

"That's my girl" mickey beams as they start walking home

"I'm impressed princess. You did good" mickey compliments


"So, gallavich?" Mickey questions

"Well I thought when you adopt me I could take both your last names. But i thought I could put the two names together because it sounds more badass when I threaten people" she smiles at him

"Adopt you?" Mickey was confused

"You are gonna adopt me aren't you....I thought you were" she says sadly

"Hey no of course I want to. Me and your daddy would love to adopt you. We just didn't think you'd want that"

"Are you crazy? Of course I want you to adopt me!" Maryanne yells. Mickey grins from ear to ear, lifting maryanne up and spinning her around

"I'll tell you what, when ian is out of hospital and we're all back together again, then I'll start working on it. I promise" they hug one another before going back to the gallagher house and then home

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