20- Birthday

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It was finally the day. Maryannes birthday. She woke up at 5am, jumping up and down

"Nope. Absolutely not. Sleep. Now" mickey groans pulling her down and making her lie on her back to sleep as she giggles

"Aren't you forgetting something?" She asks happily

"Sorry angel. Happy birthday. Now shut the fuck up and sleep" it was very rare that mickey swore infront of maryanne. But at 5am, what other choice did he have?

They got out of bed at half 6. The birthday tradition that maryanne requested was to have pancakes with strawberry and cream for breakfast. Mickey was quite happy with that. He gave maryanne her insulin and then they had pancakes

As maryanne was munching away, mickey got a message from lip. He had gone to pick up Ian. To say mickey was nervous would be an understatement. Yes, he wanted Ian home. But he couldn't help worrying this was all too soon

"Papa, can I have my present now?" She asks with her bottom lip out

"Nope. I told you, you get your present later" mickey wanted to wait until Ian was with them to give her the present


"Cheer up. You can open one present" mickey goes into the wardrobe and comes out with a wrapped up gift. He gives it to her and she tears through the wrapping paper like some kind of animal fighting for survival

"Eeekk. I love it. Thank you thank you thank you" she jumps up and down hugging mickey

"You're welcome"

"Can I wear it to my party?" She begs

"Of course. You'll look gorgeous" mickey had brought her a new dress which Debbie had picked out based on the dresses she already has.

Mickey gave her a bath and dryed her hair. Then she could finally put on her dress

 Then she could finally put on her dress

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"Wow. You look like a princess" mickey says making her smile proudly

"Thank you papa. Is it time for the party yet?"

"Not yet baby. What would you like to do? Watch a film or we could-"

"Can we go to mummy's grave?" Mickey nods his head and they get their shoes on. Fiona had messaged mickey where they were buried a few days ago

They drove almost silently in the car until they parked up. And maryanne made no attempt to leave the car

"It's ok. I'm right here. If at any point you wanna leave, we can. I can give you your space with them if you'd like. You want me to stay in the car?" Maryanne nods and gets out the car. Mickey keeps an eye on her from the car and watches as she sits at her parents grave. She places some flowers there and starts talking

"Hi mummy, hi daddy. I miss you lots. I'm 7 now. I'm getting too old. Mickey says I'll have brittle bones soon. And Carl says it won't be long till I'm in a old folks home. I have a new family now. I still love you lots. But they've taken care of me. You'd love them. I think. Mickey and ian, they're my daddies. I still love you daddy. But I love them two. And I have alot of aunts and uncles. They all take care of me. I did live with your sister mummy. But she said I made her sad. I think she missed you too much. I don't blame her. She was sad and I was too much for her. Can you see me? If you can, then just know, I know I say bad words some times but I dont mean them. I should get going. I'm having a party. A real big party. Daddy Ian isn't there because he's poorly. But he's getting better. Papa mickey is in the car. I love you" she blows them a kiss

She wipes away her tears and goes back to the car

"You OK kid?" Mickey asks

"Actually yes. I thought I'd be alot sadder. But i think they're happy for me" she smiles sadly. Mickey smiles back, kissing her forehead

"I'm proud of you"

"I know. You tell me all the time"

"I don't want you to forget it" he chuckles kissing her hand before he starts driving. They watch some films and he takes her to the park before its time for the party. The party is at the gallaghers front and back garden because although it is nicer living on the west side, the neighbours complain about noise all the fucking time

"There's the birthday girl" kev says picking her up and hugging her before v hugs her. Everyone gives her loads of presents and hugs. Her school class is there and they all play games and eat alot. Then, mickey says

"Hey blondie, come here I've got a surprise for you" he covers her eyes and takes her into the house. They thought it should be more private, away from all her school friends and their nosey parents

"Daddy!" She squeals going to hug him. Ian engulfs her in a hug, the pair of them crying and then mickey joins in

"Really thought I'd miss your birthday?" He chuckles

"I'm so happy you're here" she cries. He wipes away her tears and kisses her forehead

The rest of the party was a blast until it is just the gallaghers, kev and v sat around a campfire with chairs and blankets

"You had a good birthday?" Liam asks

"It was the best" she smiles

"You want your present now?" Ian asks. She was sat on his knee and jumped up excited

"Yes yes yes...please" she says remembering her manners

Mickey goes for a second and then comes back with a bike and a box

"Omg. I got a bike. A pink bike. Look daddy I got a bike!" She cries out happily running towards mickey and hugging him

"Thank you thank you thank you"

"You're very welcome"

"Ye you deserve it. And we got you something else" mickey opens the shoe box and inside it are a pair of light pink ballet slippers

"Really? Thank yoouuu" she says hugging mickey and ian

"You're welcome. Ballet lessons every Tuesday night after school. Sound good?"

"Sounds awesome"

"You gonna have a go on your bike?" Fiona suggests

"I don't know how" everyone goes quiet

"You asked for a bike but don't know how to ride one?" Mickey asks

"Well how else am I sposed learn. Can you teach me?" She asks sweetly

"Yes of course we'll teach you baby" they went to bed that night with the biggest grin on their faces, so happy to finally be together. Their own little family. They got everything they could ever want. All they had to do now was watch her grow up. Easy right?


This is the end. Thank you so much for reading you lovely people. If you want a sequal, then let me know. If I get atleast 10 requests then I'll do a sequel. And request an age you want Maryanne to be!!! Most requested age will be put in place

Thank you xx

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