6- Early Start

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The next day, maryanne seemed back to her happy self. She woke up and jumped up and down on the bed making Ian and mickey groan as they were so tired

"It's morning time now" she said happily

"God blondie, what time is it?" Mickey asked

"Erm...half past 10" maryanne answered. Ian rolled over and checked his phone

"Close. It's 10 too 6" Ian answered

"It's too early to be alive" mickey answered burying his face in the pillow

"Come on. Give us a couple more hours. You need some sleep too" Ian said pulling maryanne down so she was lay on the bed rather than jumping on it. She agreed and went quiet so they could sleep. A little while later, she poked Ian in the face repeatedly until he opened one eye

"How long has it been?" She asked sweetly

"45 seconds" he answered. Maryanne sighed, flopping ontop of Ian and giving up. She went quiet and then after abit, reached her arm over and tapped mickeys shoulder. He opened his eyes and looked at her as she smiled

"Can we get up yet?" She asked. Mickey checked his phone

"It's been 7 minutes baby. Ugh fine. Come on then" mickey lifted her off Ian as she grinned happily. Ian groaned about to get up but mickey just gave him a kiss on the forehead

"It's alright. I've got her. You sleep" Ian had never been so thankful but he was too tired to reply and went back to sleep.

Mickey chucked maryanne onto the sofa as she giggled and then he got to work on making breakfast

"What do you want babes?" He asked looking in the cupboards

"Ice cream" she suggested

"Works for me" mickey said getting them both some ice cream

"Chocolate or strawberry sauce?"

"Hmm...let's go with strawberry. That way it counts as one of my five a day" maryanne said which mickey agreed with whole heartedly. He put some sprinkles on and gave her the ice cream. They sat on the sofa eating it happily as mickey demanded they have his programmes on

"So, you weren't wearing that when you went to bed. Get cold?" He asked referring to the fluffy onesie

"Me and ian went for a walk"

"Oh really? When was this?" Mickey asked

"A little bit after you took my back to bed. I did sleep but I woke up again" she explained

"Everything OK?" Mickey asked concerned

"I'm eating ice cream at 6 am on a Tuesday. Everything is perfect" mickey chuckled and ruffled her hair up before continuing with his food

He got her and himself washed and dressed for the day and even did French plats in her hair. They watched TV until it was 9am

"Can I go and wake Ian now?" Mickey thought about it before agreeing. The second he said yes, maryanne ran into the bedroom and dived onto the bed. She cuddled up and ians arm went around her

"It's time to wake up" she whispered. He opened his eyes and looked down at the girl in his arms

"Who did your hair?" He asked

"Mickey. I'm as shocked as you" she told him

"Looks cute. Alright, spose I better get up. You had breakfast?" Ian asks sitting up against the headboard with maryanne on his lap

"Yep. We had-" and that's the point where mickey rushes in and covers her mouth

"Toast. We had toast" mickey answers glaring at maryanne as she giggled. Ian got dressed and sat down on the sofa next to maryanne and mickey

"Mick" Ian says as Maryanne is focused on the TV. Mickey looks at him and Ian gives him a knowing look

"Do we really have to" mickey whines

"Yes we really have to" Ian replies

"I'm watching TV but my ears still work" maryanne says not taking her eyes off the TV. Ian turns it off making her gasp and him and Ian sit infront of her

"Stop scowling. If the wind changes, your face will stay that way" she rolls her eyes at ians threat as he does the same

"Why did you turn the TV off?" She asks

"Because we need to speak to you. So you get this week off to get used to living here. And we were told that before, you were homeschooled. So how would you feel if you went to school instead? You like that idea?" Ian asks

"I don't wanna" maryanne says looking down and fidgeting with her hands nervously

"I know sweetheart but neither me nor mickey have the ability or the time to home school you" Ian tells her as tears brim in her eyes

"But...but what if...what if the kids don't like me. Or...or what if they...they put gum in my hair or...or-"

"You don't have to worry about any of that. First of all, the kids will fucking love you. How could they not. Second, anything happens, anything at all, you tell me and the three of us will kick the crap out of some kids" mickey says

"Language" Ian mumbles getting tired of saying it all the time

"I don't want to go. I can stay with you. I don't need school. I'm really smart. Mummy said I was smart"

"You are smart. But you need school so you can learn big girl things like telling the time" Ian reminds her. Maryanne starts crying slightly and shakes her head

"No I'm not going"

"Blondie, if you don't go school then you'll end up thick and poor. You wanna be thick and poor?" Mickey asks. Maryanne shakes her head

"So you're gonna go to school. Show those kids who's boss. You'll kick some ass along the way. And you'll rule the fucking school. Got it?"

"I guess"

"Good" mickey kisses her head and ian sighs in relief, grateful that his tough love got them over that first hurdle. Mickey walks off and it's just Ian and maryanne



"Talk to me. Why don't you wanna go to school?" Ian asks wanting to help her feel less worried about it

"What if im not as clever as the other kids?" Maryanne asks

"Hey. You're so smart. Now I don't know what the other kids are like. So I can't say you'll be top of the class. But you'll get there. You're all so young and sooner or later, if you work hard, then you'll be the best person in there"

"Are you and mickey gonna get divorced?" Maryanne asked taking Ian by surprise

"No, we love eachother very much"

"Mummy home schooled me because she thought sending kids to school just caused arguments in the house and people got divorced. She wanted to know what I was being taught and who I was hanging around with. I don't want you and mickey to get divorced" her eyes water

"We aren't getting a divorce sweetheart. Mickey is my husband and I love him very much. You'll do brilliant at school Anne. And I promise, you don't have to worry about my love life, because it is going perfect. OK?"

"Ok" maryanne said forcing a smile as Ian hugged her

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