17- Run Away

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That night, Maryanne was lay in her bed peacefully. Lip was still downstairs when she felt someone shake her shoulders

"Daddy!" She whispered excited hugging him. He hugged her back and kissed her forehead before shushing her

"We've gotta go. They're after us. But you gotta be quiet. OK?" Anne nodded slightly scared. Who was after them? It didn't matter. She didn't even get dressed before Ian climbed out the window and helped her down. He put her in the car and they drove off into the night

"Are you better daddy?"

"I'm perfect Anne. Let's go to mexico" he says out of no where

"Is papa coming?"

"We don't need him. We don't. Just you and me now" this wasn't Ian. She didn't know this man. He looked the same but he was weird. On edge. Yet excited. Like his brain couldn't decide on an emotion. So it kept flicking back and forth

"I wanna go home" she mumbles

"You don't need to. We're gonna have loads of fun. It's not safe at home. People are after us and they don't want us to be happy so we gotta leave" Ian says, his hands shaking as they drive at a horrible speed. Maryanne ended up falling asleep and when she woke up, it was light outside. Ian wasn't in the car but they were parked at a gas station so he must be inside

She rummaged around until she found ians phone. It had 36 missed called an 245 texts. She got into his phone and found mickeys contact number

M= mickey, A= MaryAnne

M: ian thank god. Where are you? Wheres maryanne?

A:Papa its me

M:Oh baby. Are you alright? Is Ian there? Where are you?

A:I'm OK. But I don't like this man. It's not daddy. It looks like him but he's gone crazy. And he's scaring me. I wanna go home

M:It's alright maryanne, we're gonna find you, just try and stay on the call for as long as possible. Is Ian there?

A:We're at a gas station. I think he's gone inside. I just woke up so I'm not sure"

M:OK you're doing really well. How do you feel?

A:I'm OK. I know daddy forgot my medicine but I don't feel poorly

M:Right, I need you to be really brave for me. I need you to tell daddy that you feel ill. You can act out all crazy shit OK? Convince him to take you to a hospital. When you're there, you tell the nurse whats happening. But you tell her that your daddy is sick, and that's why this is happening. Tell her your name and she'll find you on the system. Then she can call me

A:I'm scared

M:me too baby. But you have been so brave. You just gotta keep going. The police are already tracking your location.

A: daddy is coming back

M: OK I love you. Please be careful

Maryanne put the phone away and frowned as Ian got in the car

"I feel poorly" she said

"Aw sweetie. That's OK. I've got loads of sweets that'll cheer you up"

"I think we should go hospital" she says crying. Ian puts her on his lap

"What's wrong? Aren't you having fun?" He asks

"It hurts" she cries loudly

"What hurts?"

"My tummy" she is crying hysterically, clinging onto her stomach as Ian panics. He was shaking with worry just watching. He puts her lay down in the back of the car and starts speeding to the hospital as maryanne cries in pain in the back of the car

"It's ok because we'll find a hospital and then we can be happy again" he says. He finds a hospital and runs in with maryanne. Ian is immediately tackled by police as maryanne runs towards mickey. They had tracked them and found them

"Stop don't hurt him" mickey says. They arrest Ian as maryanne sobs into mickeys shoulder. They go home and maryanne falls asleep in fionas arms

"So what happens now?" Debbie asks

"We bail him out and get him admitted to a hospital. Maryanne can move back in and we'll visit him all the time" mickey says

"You OK mick?"

"Ye I'm alright" mickey says.

A couple days later, ian has been admitted to the hospital so maryanne is going home with mickey

"Thank you for letting me stay here" she says hugging fiona lip and Debbie

"You're welcome. Any time" maryanne goes with mickey and they finally get home. Maryanne runs to play with her toys in her room. But mickey couldn't be so joyful. He sits in his bedroom and cries at the edge of the bed, sobbing into his hands. Everything was working out OK and then it suddenly changed. He thought this was their chance. But the social worker has already contacted mickey. If Ian doesn't get right within the next 2 months, then they'll have to remove maryanne from the home and they will not be given a second chance

Maryanne heard her fathers cries and slowly walked into his room. He didn't see her and she'd never seen him cry like this. Her arms wrapped around his neck and he immediately pulled her in for a hug, crying into her shoulder

"I love you so much" he sobbed

"I love you too. I want daddy to be ok" she cried

"We're gonna make him better. I promise" she forced a smile and kissed his cheek before they went to have a nap. It was much needed for both of them. But it wasn't peaceful. The pair of them were so worried about Ian that they could hardly relax their brain. But eventually, they did manage to fall asleep

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