14- Sleepover

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It was later that night. Maryanne had just got her pyjamas on ready for bed and then joined the gallaghers on the sofa downstairs. Lip, Debbie and fiona were there watching TV. Franny was asleep in her bed

"Can I call papa?" She asks sitting on lips knee on the sofa

"Sure" he gets out his phone and face times mickey, then hands the phone to maryanne

"You can go upstairs with it if you want but don't go on anything else on my phone. I'm trusting you ok" lip says

"OK uncle lip" maryanne runs upstairs and then mickey answers

"Hey baby. How you doing with uncle lip? He taking care of you?" Mickey asks

"I'm OK. Uncle lip is really fun. We had ice cream and everything" she yells happily

"I'm glad you're having fun. I'm really sorry honey, I wish you could come home but daddy isn't very well"

"That's OK. Can I speak to him and make him feel better?" She asks

"He's sleeping at the minute but I'll tell him you called. I promise"

"Are you taking me home tomorrow?" Maryanne asks

"Not until daddy is better"

"Oh" she says sadly

"How was school blondie?" Mickey asks trying to lighten the subject

"It was OK. I got maths homework but I need your help with it"

"When's it due?" He asks

"Next week" maryanne answers

"I'm not sure if daddy will be better by then. Why don't you ask lip? He's really smart"

"A week? I don't wanna be away from you for a week? Have I been bad?" Maryanne starts crying

"No no honey I promise. I really want you to be here but it isn't safe. You are best daughter in the world but right now, I need you to be brave for me. I know its a long time but once daddy is a little better, then I'll come round and see you. You get some sleep now baby" mickey says

"If you loved me then you wouldn't kick me out" she cries hanging up and running downstairs to lip.

"Hey whats up?" He asks lifting her up as she cries into his shoulder. Lip puts his phone in his pocket and carries maryanne upstairs. She was having his bed and he was sleeping in a makeshift bed on the floor

"You wanna talk about it?" He asks

"Papa doesn't love me anymore" she sobs and lip tucks her in as his face falls

"Your papa and daddy love you so much. More than you could ever know. You're their favourite person in the world, I promise. And that's why you can be with them right now. They don't want you sick because then it would make them very sad" he wipes her tears away and kisses her cheek

"Do you know papas lullaby?" She asks, sniffing her tears away

"I'm sorry Anne but I don't. I can call your papa if you want and he can-"

"No. I don't wanna talk to him. I'll just go to sleep"

"OK. I'll be downstairs if you need me" lip kisses her forehead and then leaves the room

Meanwhile, mickey was sat with his head in his hands crying. He'd just got off the phone with maryanne and she hated him. Ian was still not well and he didn't have a fucking clue how he could help

He decided to sleep on the sofa that night, because Ian needed his own space. Atleast if Ian tried to leave, he would be woken up by the door. Mickey lay down and closed his eyes, ready to sleep.

Later that night, at around midnight, maryanne went downstairs and sat on fionas knee

"Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" She asked hugging her and kissing her head

"My head hurts. And I feel funny" maryanne answered

"Oh dear. Shall we take your temperature?" Maryanne nods so fiona lifts her up and sits her down on the table where she takes her temperature

"Well you're temperature isn't high"

"I'll test her blood sugar levels" lip reads through how to do it a billion times before testing her levels and then checks what mickey wrote down

"You're abit high Anne. I'll give you some insulin and then we'll wait 15 minutes and see if its worked" lip says. Maryanne squirms around and cries as he tries to give her insulin. By the time she was done screaming, the entire house was awake as were the neighbours. But eventually, with fiona Debbie, lip and Liam all working together, they managed to give her insulin. She stayed in fionas arms until they tested her levels and she was fine.

"I'll call mickey and let him know" lip says

"Come on. Let's get you to bed" Debbie says taking franny and maryanne

M: is everything OK?
L: ye. Don't worry because she's fine now but maryanne had a hypo
M: shit. You give her insulin?
L: ye. Its been about 20 minutes and they've gone back to normal now
M: OK good. Just keep a close eye on her in the night. If she has 3 hypos then call an ambulance and I'll meet you at hospital
L: alright mickey. Like I said, she's fine now so don't worry. She's just sleeping
M: OK well look after her
L: how's Ian doing?
M: not moved. I've tried talk with him but he just doesn't reply
L: fuck. Look mickey, ian needs a hospital and maryanne, ugh, you're both incredible dad's. But social services aren't gonna let you keep her. You know that. I suggest getting Ian help and when he's stable, you can fight to get her back
M: you fucking mad? No. If she gets taken away then we won't get her back. Ian will get better and we can get back to playing happy families
L: I hope you're right

Lip went up to bed and saw that maryanne was fast asleep. He hardly slept that night. He couldn't understand how mickey and ian do it. He was up half the night just worried that she was having a hypo. And she's not even his kid

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