the sand man

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Submitted for approval of the Midnight Society I call this Tale the tale of the Sandman

It is said that every kid who has a problem sleeping will be visited by the Sandman. Is been an angel tail that every time you couldn't fall asleep he would feel your eyes with fine I am Allison dressed enough to make you not want to open your eyes. But that this time the Sandman we8 too far.
This is a story when he got fed up and he ended up sealing the eyes of two teenagers who refused to sleep and feel better our lives for the rest of their lives.
One night a couple of teenagers were partying in their bedroom they are not siblings they were friends from high school parents beg them to go back to sleep to go back to sleep that they are drunk too drunk and too high to give a flying crap about the whole thing they were so high and drunk they continue the party.
Soon things quiet down for the parents they were happy that hey kids were asleep but they were not far from being asleep they were actually pretty rowdy. Soon midnight came and things start to go bump in the night.
They literally heard bumps in the night and their friends scary sounds like thunder and lightning and moaning and other scary sounds. Accompanied with a couple of Screams from other kids who are younger who did not do the sandman's bidding and ended up blinded by sand. The teenager start that this is just a pile of horse manure and they thought right and they continued on until the Witching Hour 3 in the morning. That's one as one of them was going to get a beer they drank they were underage they shouldn't have been drinking in the first place but when they were confronted by the Sandman who was actually going to Blind them they are frightened for their own safety and sight.
Oh but the Sandman had other plans for them instead of dealing with them moisturizing and sealing the right jack forever he ended up deciding he was going to make statues wax and statues the kids while the kids were still alive. It was said that the kids were too rowdy and like most teenagers usually pay the price for what they have to do which was having too much luck and fun. One day ended up realizing the sand was blowing in their face and so was The Lacs they found out that one of them was turned into a wax sand statue weather here contorted face of Horror and dread.
Is there that the other high schoolers died of pure fried from seeing their friend in Statue form. They couldn't Scream the The Sandman stole their screaming abilities and then took their voices with him as he took their souls as well to the underworld. It is just that they drop dead from their feet down on the there back sides as if asleep when really they were just trying to survive their heartbeats were faint and then soon enough.. Sandman talk the voices and their and their souls with him to the underworld. Where they were going to be tormented for the eternity.

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