the zombie

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Submitted to approval of the Midnight Society I call this The tale of
The zombie

Lisa was always the odd one out but when she ended up in the click of the popular girls he was happy for once. He was beautiful and good-looking then one day she ended up dying after one of the girls suck her dry of her blood. It was said that she came back after that from under the bridge where she was dumped and she started feeding off people. When they found out that she was still alive quote alive they ended up wondering how she ended up still being alive at this time was it stubbornness until they saw that she was a vampire. When she came to she found out that our friends were there the ones that sucker driver blinds you said you've been glamorized. Glamorized meaning turned into a vampire. Soon he was out to get blood from any you staying and everyone she was also known as the chupacabra as well as the a vampire. Do you want as far as to suck the blood of her own parents just to keep her beauty. She sucked her call School dry. Soon the vampires of the kids who were shocked drawing boned were now going around the town as if there was a flag of vampires coming to attack. She ended up leading the way for the quiver of vampires. And actually ended up killed half the town and reanimating half the town as well. It was there that the town was either zombies or were vampires one of the two in Eastern Europe that had a word for that but I cannot exactly pronounce it correctly it means on the Undead mean zombie or vampire.
They own half the town was at war with each other Vampires versus zombies he's either eating each other's brains or sucking each other's blood Tuesday good looking. Half the time when glamorize half the town was zombie fried. It was so dirty what is the cause of this cuz she want nothing more than just fit in and conform. It is said that the true idea of a zombie and someone who conforms and has no Freedom whatsoever to be the shelves. You don't have to be a dead person to experience being a zombie or just to have your individuality taken away like that. Do you want to know what you wanted to look like Britney Spears and that zombified her from her actual personality and made her a cookie cutter which major Undead. So who was Dan who was alive we will never know. But this is knowing that popularity and looking for actual wedding in and Conformity will actually take away your soul and take away your freedoms away from you not just here we go freedoms but your spiritual freedoms as well leaving you a shadow of the person you used to be. The girl ended up a ghost walking around the child after he was glamorized again. How to be beautiful what a shame

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