revenge of the tattooist

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Submitted for approval of the Midnight Society I call this Tale the tale of the revenge of the tattooist

Mura Masa was a tattoo artist from Japan who is getting fed up with the Yakuza. One of his mother had died from their crimes and also his father he decided he was going to get revenge on them but not by doing blotched tattoo work but by by showing up the evil Shinto gods evolved before the samurai even came. He was getting riled up and he had new clients come in who were not normal people but Yakuza. Every time he got to them he would send a curse on to them that they would either go up in Flames or that that something would happen.
One time they boss of all bosses in Tokyo came to Marty masses tattoo parlour only two and up Dad out for his tattoo was complete. it was said there was a curves from mura Masa who wanted nothing more than revenge for his parents. When he saw the oyabun spontaneously combust into flames as you walked out of his parlour he ended up laughing. But that was not enough seeing a guy scream in pain and wanting to be relieved of the pain.
It'll all be over if you just stop being a cruiser where is your headquarters. The boss said it was in a movie theatre run by the Yakuza his Yakuza syndicate that was. Mura Masa the star and he was going to the Goro theater a seedy movie theatres that was more or less run by and was mastweiler Yakuza mobsters. Mura Masa decided he was going to kill them all with one spell of killing them with a fire spell using a fire goddess I've had a real manfumado.  The Japanese hell. It was sad that the Mobsters were screaming as the demons came out of the smoke only to catch on fire as they tried to leave. Soon mura Masa went on screen and said I am finally got my revenge and started laughing like an evil Warlock. It was said that he was more warlock than tattooist.
Some say that his ancestors were warlocks some say were iga ninjas from Ega.
Some of the people who had to deal with them said that he was the Devil Himself so I'm said that he was a energy vampire. Who would suck up the energy of good people just to get revenge on the Yakuza. We will never know about mura Masa. As he also burnt down into the Flames as well during that fateful night at the seedy theatre.

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