Uh... Chapter 1

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Qibli POV:

Qibli, Bullfrog, Lynx, Pineapple, Tsunami, Moon, and Sky were flying in the direction of home. Phyrria. Qibli hadn't seen Winter or any of his friends in three weeks and his heart ached to see them again.

Qibli felt differently about Winter than his other friends though. Sure, he could be angry at times, but he was raised by an awful family. Like me, he thought, cringing in fear as he remembered Cobras hissing voice telling him how useless and weak he was. Qibli felt like him and Winter were so similar, but yet they were so different. Qibli was happier, and more humorous than Winter. He was grumpier and tough.

Well, It's not his fault, thought Qibli. His family did that. But I wasn't affected, thought Qibli, feeling confused. How... I guess i was stronger. I didn't let them hurt me.

Qibli knew Winter was a softie on the inside, he just had to keep chipping away at his scales with jokes to find it. While Qibli was lost in his thoughts about Winter, Moon hovered by his side. "Hi, Qibli. What are you thinking about?" Qibli bit his lip. He couldn't possibly tell Moon that he had been daydreaming about him and Winter's relationship.

"I- uh, was thinking about..." Qibli looked down at his claws. yellow scales... like sand... "Uh, sand! I miss the sand in Phyrria." Moon raised an eyebrow.

A/N: Do dragons have eyebrows?

"You miss the sand in Phyrria?" Qibli frowned. Come on, Qibli! out of all the things to say you chose sand!?! "Yeah! Its... like, softer, and warmer. The sand on the beach at Pantala just isn't the same." When Qibli saw Moon's face he added, "It's kind of a Sandwing thing."

Qibli didn't care where sand was, or how warm it was, he did enjoy it though.

Moon smiled. "Oh, I miss the rainforest. The Poison Jungle is just too..." Qibli finished her sentence. "Too many plants trying to eat you? Too many Leafwings craving for revenge?" Moon laughed. "Yes. That's exactly it."

All of a sudden, a crack of thunder broke the silence, and a heavy downpour fell from the angry grey sky. Pineapple moaned from behind Qibli, "Aw, I hate the rain!" Tsunami didn't seem too happy about the rain either. She glared at the harmless drops of water pounding down on to the seven dragon's wings.

Qibli flinched in fear as a bolt of lightning struck the ocean ahead.

Lynx looked worried. "I don't think it's safe to be flying in this storm. What if one of us gets struck?" Pineapple glanced down at the crashing waves below them, then spoke. "Lynx has a point guys." Bullfrog joined the conversation. "What are we supposed to do then? We're in the middle of the ocean! It's not like we can just go inside."

"We'll have to go faster." Said Moon, "Maybe it's not that big of a storm and we could fly away from it before one of us gets hurt." Qibli thought about that. That was a good idea. "Does everyone think they could fly faster?" Sky, Pineapple, Lynx, Moon, Bullfrog, and Tsunami agreed.

Qibli flapped his wings three times, and bolted ahead where Sky and Tsunami were. The two of them were the fastest flyers. Sky was a Skywing of course, his wings were bigger. Tsunami was strong, and had more strength than the rest of the secret stealth team. Secret stealth team, thought Qibli. He remembered when him, Turtle, and Snowfall planned the secret stealth team. Having no idea what to name it, Qibli had the idea to call themselves the Secret Stealth Team.

"Tsunami, remember in the Ice Kingdom when we formed the Secret Stealth Team?" She laughed. "Oh yeah! Man, that is a time I will never ever forget."

Interrupting Tsunami and Qibli's concersation, the thunder became louder, the wind became stronger, and colder. Qibli shivered. "Guys! An island!" Sky shouted, looking ahead at a tall rocky island jutting out of the angry sea. Lynx bolted toward it. "Guys! We need shelter!" Qibli, without any hesitation, followed the Icewing, folding in his wings to form a fast dive to the island below.

Moon, Pineapple, Tsunami, Bullfrog, Lynx, Sky, and Qibli landed on the slippery rock. Everyone seemed just as exhausted and cold as Qibli was, but Lynx didn't seem bothered by the cold though.

Moon was squinting at a shape in the distance, and Qibli followed her gaze. "What is it?" He asked. "I think I see a cave." Pineapple walked over. "Really?" He said enthusiastically. "We could sleep somewhere dry tonight!" Bullfrog and the others paced closer to the object, and Moon was right. A large mossy hill stood in the center of the island with a hollow room on the inside.

The seven dragons slept in the cave that night after Bullfrog and Tsunami caught them all a goat they found, while Sky and Pineapple ate some fruit they had found growing at the edge of the island.

As the other dragons laid down to sleep, Qibli plopped on the cave floor, exhausted. He was cold, and had a head ache. The Sandwing closed his eyes.

Qibli dreamed about the day they arrived back at Phyrria, and he was back with Winter. Qibli explained to Winter how much he had missed him the last three weeks. All of a sudden, the dream changed, and an eery voice spoke to him.

The worst of the storm is yet to come...

Qibli shook with fear. What... No! I don't...

A vision of Jade Mountain appeared, the two peaks covered in snow, and the worst part, his friends, the teachers, students... everyone stood outside the mountain, sick and cold, wrapped in blankets.

It will all be over Qibli... Over.

Qibli felt sick. No! It can't end now...

He felt talons shaking him, and Qibli jolted awake, out of his nightmare.

"Qibli!" Moon was hunched over him, worried. Tsunami ran over. ''What happened?! Are you alright?"

Qibli took shaky breathes. "T-there- was Jade Mountain... It was destryed! A snowstorm..." Moon grabbed his talons in hers. "Slow down! It was a vision?" "Y-yes." He responded shakily.

Qibli sat up, and looked around. It was morning, the storm was over, and the aftermath was certainly visible. A tree had fallen, and the ocean tide had risen higher. The rest of the dragons started to get up.
He sighed. What's happening? Qibli thought. Was that really a vision?



I hope you guys like it :)

I wanna write a prophecy, but I'm not very poetic.


Happy Cinco de Mayo!

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