Chapter 11

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Qibli POV:

Qibli woke up, and Winters lips were replaced with the horrible prickly vines wrapped around his snout. "Hello, Sandwing."

To his surprise, the vines let go, and he growled. "Why did you wake me? I had him, and you ended it for me!" He still remembered being in the scorpion den, Winter was right there, with him, but this idiot ruined it. he realized he was still crying.

"Oh thats why, you were mumbling: Like I said, I'm your destiny, in your sleep. His name's Winter, right?" He continued. "Anyways, it's kind of lonely in here. I wanted to talk to you, get to know each other, right?" 

Qibli's emotions switched from embarrassed to angry. Calm down, he told himself. You could use him. "Whatever. My name's Qibli, now who on earth ARE you?!" 

He chuckled. "I'm Abyss. I used to be a dragon, but was cursed to become the plant, that you call the breath of evil, but all that doesn't matter now. I'm going to rule these continents, just like it should have always been." 

Qibli's confusion grew. He wanted to know who this dragon was, and how exactly he became the breath of evil. How did he have those vines on his tail? How did the seed thing turn him back? But he decided to keep quiet. Winter and the others would come back to defeat him with the curse, they have to!

Winter POV: 

It was morning, and everyone was up. He spotted Moon and Turtle reading through the scroll from the library,  muttering to each other. He was to lazy to get up, so he listened from were he laid on the cave floor.

"The scroll says the song only works when you hold the vine, that's why It didn't work!" Said Moon, tracing her talons over a paragraph on the scroll. Wait, that's what happened? Winter thought, scurrying closer to his friends.

"Winter! We're going back to the abyss today to rescue your boyfriend and murder a psycho plant dragon!" Turtle told him, all to casually. 


Winter's heart pounded with joy. Yes! He thought. I know we could do it this time!

"Everest! Icicle! Are you guys up for a trip back to our possible death?" Shouted Moon. The two icewings magically appeared out of thin air simultaneously. 

"I'M IN!!!" Said Icicle, rather very positively.


(Anddd time skip cuz I'm a LaZy RaInWiNg)

Everest, Moon, Winter, and Icicle, all ran down the cave tunnel, ready to go back to the abyss. Winter stepped up to the portal, and realized he was shaking. What if we all die? What if Someone dies? What if... STOP. Winter told himself in his head, using Qibli's calm, sensible voice. If Qibli were here, what would he say? 

He suddenly had a flash back, a year ago when they were searching for hailstorm in the valley:

He had failed his brother and then failed him again and again and again. 

"Stop, stop it," Qibli said, suddenly in front of Winter, taking his shoulders and shaking him.  "I see your going to that giving-up place in your head. Get yourself out of there right now. We do not know he's dead any more than we did an hour ago. What we have to do is keep searching, because he's only definitely dead if we give up and sit here like moping camels. You are not allowed to mourn until you see a dead body, do you understand me?"

(Reference from Winter Turning, page 165.)

Of course! He thought. If Qibli could be confident in finding Hailstorm, I could believe in myself to go down to the abyss.

Without another thought, he jumped through the vines with the other dragons, and felt the darkness swallow him.

Winter woke up, slightly dazed, and leaped to his paws. The others fell through, dropping on the cold stone floor in a heap. Icicle handed Moon the scroll, and nodded, while she took it, and unrolled it, padding closer to the dragon, who was glaring viciously, yet still had that evil grin he wore the last time they came down into the abyss.

Winter's eyes landed on the bundle of vines tangled around a dragon. He gasped. It was Qibli! They met each others eyes, and Winter could see a glint of hope shining in the sandwing's pupils. He gave a weak smile, then the dragon spoke. "Hello again." He said, maliciously. 

Everest turned to him, a puzzled yet agitated look on her face. Moon held the scroll, looking back at them, then turning her head back to the dragon helplessly. Maybe we should have planned this better, Winter thought. He then nodded to Everest, and Icicle, as to follow him, and they all leaped onto different vines, trying to forcefully keep them pinned down long enough for Moon to sing the curse. She pressed her paws against his read and green scales, and began. "Wither and decay..."

Qibli was now free of the vines, he instinctively jumped onto the dragon, pinning him down, growling menacingly. "Your never ruling the continents, Abyss." He started, hissing the words into his ear. "Say goodbye." Moon continued, "End this evil life, break these earthly chains..."

Winter glanced at the brave Sandwing, as he stood on the dragon. Wait, Abyss? That's his name? 

The vines started flinging around even more, and Winter had to use his wings and tail to keep them all down. His strength was dying out, but he continued, using all his might, thrusting himself agains't the plant. Come on, Moon! Finish!

The dragon smiled, before having his final breath. "Okay, but the consequences are severe..." Winter gasped. wait, What's this tingly feeling in my talons? "And be done!" Moon stopped.

Suddenly, the plant and the dragon turned ash black, and it spread, disintegrating the vines his friends were once holding. He immediately let go, but it was to late. He looked down at his paws, desperately, but it was too late. The ash was pouring through his talons, and to his horror, the once painless tingling feeling in his talons, was now all through his arms, and was creating excruciating pain. pitch black cracks appeared on his arms. 

He suddenly felt woozy. "Guys?!?! Qibli! Help-" His friends raced to his side, Qibli holding his blackened talons in his. "Winter, your going to be okay! Moon, check the scroll, there has to be a way to fix this!" Moon quickly opened it, her eyes racing across the paper. 

"WE NEED THE PLANT, SOMEONE, Get a piece of the vine!" Icicle ran across the room, snatching a piece of the living vine just before it could turn to ashes. 

He gasped for air, and Qibli held him in his arms. Is this how I die? He thought, panicking. "Q-Qibli, I love you..." The last thing he saw was Qibli's beatiful brown eyes staring down at him worriedly, then he passed out.


We all love cliffhangers! And gay icewings. And cinnamon rolls. LIKE SUNNY-

ANYWAYS... I did two math tests today, and I'm tired, so, I am wishing you now, too have a good life, study, and eat breakfast! 

Yes, @WallpaperRabies, that last one was aimed at you :)

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