Chapter 3

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Winter POV:

Winter: Woke up to a storm. Unbelievably huge mounds of snow covered the whole ice kingdom, and was still falling. Winter groggily got up, and walked in the direction of the palace, trying to remember what had happened last night.

Once it hit him, Winter stopped in his tracks, and took one last glance at the now frozen sea.

Qibli and the rest of the stealth team are out there, possibly in danger, and I can't do anything about it, Winter thought.

Winter reached the palace, and found Queen Snowfall at the entrance. "Winter! I need your help." Said Snowfall, worriedly. "What do you need, your majesty?" Snowfall responded. "I can't find Mink! I think she's stuck in the storm," She said, looking outside.

Winter could barely see a thing now, just... white snow.

"And how many times do I have to tell you? Just call me Snowfall!" She said playfully. Winter rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine. Now, lets find Mink."

Within twenty minutes of searching for Snowfall's sister, Mink appeared next to them. "Hey guys!" She said. "Who are you looking for?" Snowfall was shocked. "Mink, we were looking for you!" Replied Winter. "Mink, we were worried! We thought you were stuck in the storm." Added Snowfall.

Mink shook her head. "No. I was just taking a walk."

Winter laughed. "Come on Mink, let's go inside." Snowfall grabbed the little Icewing's hand, and the three of them went inside the palace.

"Winter, I don't think we've had a blizzard like this in years." Winter thought about that. "Yeah..." Then it hit him. When he was in Qibli's dream, the voice told him that the worst of the storm is yet to come.

The storm must be where Qibli is too, thought Winter. This storm isn't ending, it's only gonna get worse.

He had to tell Snowfall. This is her kingdom.

"Snowfall!" She looked her cousin in the eye. "Winter, what"s wrong?" She said worriedly. "I... Have something to explain."

She nodded. "Mink, go play in your room." Mink walked down a hall. "Ok."

Winter and Snowfall sat down on the polar bear fur chairs in one of the castle's rooms. Winter then explained to Snowfall about how he dreamvisited Qibli, and someone told him that 'the worst of the storm is yet to come'.

Snowfall's eyes widened. "My kingdom... Winter, we have to find out how to stop this!" Winter got up. "WE should contact the other queens, call a meeting." He said, Snowfall agreed, and called a messenger.

She told him specific words to tell Thorn, Glory, Coral, Moorhen, and Ruby. "Tell the other five queens that there will be a meeting at the border of the dessert, and our kingdom."

Winter guessed that the meeting would be located south, so that the other tribes wouldn't freeze to death in the Ice Kingdom.

Winter sighed. There's nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine.

Qibli POV: It was snowing, and Qibli and the rest of the secret stealth team kept flying east towards Pyrrhia.

Wren sat on Sky's back, and she was looking at the map from Clearsight's book. Qibli and Moon glanced at the human, as she carefully studied the map. Then, her face lit up with joy.

"Guys! We might arrive tonight!"

Qibli almost faltered into the half-frozen sea when he heard this. This is really happening?!?! He thought. "Let me see!"

He flew closer to Sky, and studied the map Wren was holding. She couldn't be more right. A tall poky island stood before them, in the ocean, and it was very close to the Ice kingdom.

Tsunami dashed next to them, and looked at the map, along with Pineapple, Bullfrog, Lynx, and Moon.

Bullfrog grinned. "YES!!! I HAVN'T FELT MUD IN WEEKS!!!"

Moon was more excited than Qibli had ever seen her. Tsunami flapped her wings violently fast, and burst ahead of them. "Come on guys! Were going home!"

Without a thought, Qibli flew ahead, beside Moon and Sky. The island on the map was right in front of them, it was a huge arch shaped rock covered in a layer of snow, and dying moss.

The seven dragons flew under it, and Qibli noticed that the large rock was completely hollowed out. The cave inside was filled with glow worms, and it reminded him of the underground lakes at Jade Mountain.

The dragons slowed down, and enjoyed the sight. "It's just like Jade Mountain," Said Moon. "You read my mind." Said Qibli, as Moon narrowed her eyes at him. Then he stopped. "Oh wait..." He looked in his pouch and to his surprise, the skyfire was gone.

Moon laughed, and Qibli laughed along with her. "I'm a Nightwing! Of course I read minds!" She exclaimed, "I think I dropped it when I was flying," Qibli said.

Wait... thought Qibli, how long had it been missing? He thought back to when he told her he missed the sand in Pyrrhia. She doesn't know.... Qibli stopped his thoughts.

Beautiful cave... Beautiful cave... he thought, looking around the cave, to cover up his thoughts.

Moon opened her pouch, and gave him a skyfire rock. "I have extra." He sighed in relief. "Thanks Moon."

They continued on their flight, getting closer to the Ice Kingdom.

I am sorry for the long wait.

But next chapter, were going to see some Quinter!


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