Chapter 10

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(This story is getting a lot of drama now)

Qibli POV:

His heart was racing,  the vine wrapped around Qibli, he watched as Moon and Winter ran to the portal, and before the vines could shut his snout closed, he said one last thing. "Winter, I love you!" What if we never see each other again? what if I die here? What would Winter do?!?!

 Dozens of thoughts rushed through his mind, then just as Winter slipped through the portal, he heard: "We'll save you I promise!" 

This scene played in his mind over and over again. Qibli laid curled up next to the throne, vines keeping him in place. His ear was throbbing, and stained with dried blood. He felt more scared than ever. He was trapped in an abyss with an evil dragon-plant thing, the evil dragon had evil plans, and worst of all, his friends weren't here. No cold wings to wrap around him, no sentimental Nightwing to talk to, no one except this dragon.

He cried softly, and fell asleep.

Oh look, we're doing Turtle POV:

Everyone was hopeful. Everybody had faith in the group that went to the abyss would defeat the breath of evil, and so did Turtle. While was worried for his friends, he still hoped. He had to believe this would work, it was all they could do.

Everyone waited in the cave, ready to congratulate the heroes, once they arrived. Please be okay... please be okay... Turtle prayed, watching the portal. 

Kinkajou was sitting next to him, her scales an excited  shade of yellow, but a worried lime green was keeping in along her wings and talons.

A nightwing fell through the vines, falling to the ground. "MOON!" He raced forward, and helped her up. She looked devasted, looking around at all the happy dragons. Oh no.. No! Something happened... He worried. "Moon? What happened?!" He asked, his panic rising. "T-The breath o-f evil, it took Qibli." She choked out. 

"What do you mean?!" It's a plant! Somethings very wrong here...

Winter came next, followed by Everest. Winter was sitting, crying. In his talons, Turtle spotted a broken earring. Turtle recognized it, the earring was Qibli's.

Oh, he loves Qibli, Turtle realized. Whatever happened down there... I don't think it went well. 

Moon helped Winter up and they headed out of the room. Turtle sat down, and tried to take in what happened. Kinkajou still stared at the vines, shocked. Her yellow scales were instead lime green.

Lastly, Icicle crashed through, landing hard on the cave floor. She scanned the dragons frantically, as if looking for somebody. "Where's my brother?"

Turtle guessed that him and Moon went to the other cave room, and he pointed a talon in that direction. He felt a stab of sympathy for Icicle and Winter. I hope Winter's alright...

Only Everest remained, and the crowd dragons all had their eyes on her. She opened her mouth to speak, then took a sad glance back at the vine portal. "We're all still confused on what exactly happened, but Moon started saying the curse, then the breath of evil attacked us, even throwing me, it took Qibli's earring and stole the amber off it, then that somehow caused the vine to transform into a dragon. But then, it kept Qibli with him." She finished, sighing. 

"We sent five dragons to kill it, and you failed?" Shouted an angry Icewing from the crowd. Turtle winced, and Everest shrunk back looking hurt.

"W-Well, once the breath of evil turned into a dragon, it had vines sprouting from it's tail. The vines, they took Qibli, and wont let him go. the vines threw me across the room!" She growled. "I'm saying that it was more dangerous than you might think."

Everyone turned to the angry Icewing, a burly male with light pastel indigo scales. Looking slightly embarrassed, he turned around silently. "Dang..." Kinkajou muttered under her breath. Everest was now looking pleased with herself.

Winter POV: 

Winter sat on a rock outside the cave, alone. He was devastated. Qibli was gone now. Getting him back was almost impossible. And... what if I never see him again? He uncurled his talons, to look at the broken earring. He stayed silent, and suddenly felt exhausted. Winter found his pouch, and slid the earring inside.

But as he put it away, he felt something else. The dream visitor! Maybe Qibli was dreaming?

Winter put it to his head, and said his name. Qibli... Qibli... Nothing happened. Winter's heart dropped. Oh I'm to desperate, he thought.

I can try again at night. He heard pawsteps coming his way, and he immediately shoved the dream visitor deep into his pouch. "Hey Winter." It was Icicle, his sister who had been terrible to him his whole life. but now, she starting to be better.

He tucked in his wings, feeling uncomfortable. "Hi."

"Is it all true? The breath of evil took Qibli, and used his earring to become a dragon?" She said, sitting on the rock with him. He was surprised. Why is she here? He kept asking himself.

"Yes. I don't know how, don't ask why."


She got quiet, and played around with her talons. If your done talking, just leave! Leave me alone! He suddenly felt angry.

"Winter, I'm sorry about Qibli." He stopped in his thoughts, then sighed. Everyone knew now. He loved Qibli, and they were a thing. Why did it have to be like this though? 

He blushed a little.                         

(He's blushing from embarrassment, THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ICICLE)

"Thank you Icicle." She seemed to understand, and nodded to him, before leaving to go back in the cave.

It was night time, and Winter decided to get up, and sneak into the cave. Most of the dragons were asleep, but Peril and Turtle were muttering to each other in the corner. He shrugged, and settled into a far corner of the cave.

Pulling out the dream visitor for a second try, he put it to his forehead. Qibli... Qibli...

It worked.

He was brought to the scorpion den. He's dreaming of being back at the sand kingdom, Winter thought. He spotted Qibli, a few feet away, and Winter ran, his heart racing. Qibli whipped around, and they met each others eyes. 

"WINTER! What... um..." He hugged Qibli, who was very confused. Without another word, he wrapped his wings around Winter, and they stood there for a moment, enjoying the presence of having each other.

Winter let him go. "Your dreaming, and I dream visited you." 

"Ah, I see..." 

"Are you still in the abyss? With the breath of evil?" Asked Winter, his curiosity growing.

Qibli nodded. "Yep. He hasn't taken the vines off me yet, and he keeps talking to me about his plan to rule the continents."

"We're going to get you back, and stop him. He won't rule the continents." Winter said determinedly.

Whatever it takes, he thought. We can do this. "Winter, whatever happens, just know that I love you. Your the light of my life, and I don't want to live in a world without you." The sandwing was now blushing, and... were those tears in his eyes?

Winter wrapped a wing around him. "Qibli... The day I met you, something told me we would be together. I knew, you would be with me."

Qibli chuckled. "Like I said, I'm your destiny." He had the flash back of him asking Tsunami for a private cave, then Qibli telling him that.

"Oh no, I think I'm going to wake up. Bye Winter..." 

"Bye..." Qibli kissed him, and then Winter was brought back to the cave. 

There. I've written ten chapters of this book, and by some miracle haven't given up. Also, I suddenly wanna start making ASMR videos of my rabbit eating things. Idk. Byeeeeee

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