ChApTeR 7

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Qibli POV: 

Qibli woke up in Winter's room in the ice palace, with Winter laying down next to him on his bed, he was slowly walking up.

"Wha- what time is it?" He mumbled groggily, sitting up. Qibli looked around, realizing that everyone got up already, and had most likely wen't down to the dining hall, with the other Icewings.

"Everyone left already," Said Qibli, getting down from the ledge. "Come on, let's go meet them." Winter nodded, then after hastily packing their few belongings, Qibli paced to the door, waiting for Winter.

"Hold on, you need this." Said Winter, holding Qibli's skyfire. "Thank you," He replied meaningly, shoving the rock into his already stuffed pouch.

"I might never see this place again," Said Winter, his eyes scanning his room for what might be the last time. "No Winter. We're gonna stop the storm, and save Pyrrhia." Said Qibli reassuringly, while brushing his wings with Winter's. Was that true though? The storm was so bad here in the ice kingdom, the palace could be destroyed by the time they come back. 

Qibli closed the door slowly, then they headed down to the palace gates, where everyone would be before they all left for the Sand kingdom.

The rest of the Jade winglet stood there along with the other Icewings. Moon gave a small smile when Qibli and Winter arrived. Oh yeah, they all know about me and Winter, thought Qibli, smiling back at his old clawmates. 

"Guys! Look what I got!" Kinkajou said, she was holding a white, glowing globe. "Looks like Kinkajou discovered the moon globe tree," said Winter, gesturing to a small tree made of ice, with dozens of moon globes hanging from the branches.

"That's the moon globe tree," Said Winter, coming closer to Qibli. "It was created by an animus Icewing years ago, the moon globes grow right back after you take one." He then plucked two of the moon globes from the ice tree, and handed one to Qibli.

A few more dragons took moon globes from the tree, and Qibli watched in astonishment as the moon globes began to slowly grow back on the branches.

Time skip cuZ I'm tired and dis is now Winter POV:

Winter, the Jade winglet, and the whole Ice kingdom continued flying to the Sand Kingdom, where they would be safe from the storm. 

He was tired from flying, and his wings were sore. Grunting, he readjusted his one globe, which was tucked under his right arm, safe and sound.

In the chilly air, and all the Icewings, he was suddenly surprised to feel warm scales brush passed him. "Winter! look!" Said Qibli, staring ahead at what was once a blazing hot desert, covered in sand dunes and cacti, but now it was just a barren wasteland, of snow snow, and more snow. However, they could tell this was the desert, because patches of sand still showed through the snow. Winter even spotted a frozen oasis in the distance.

"The desert, it's snowed over..." Qibli looked shocked, and Winter could understand. He knew the whole continent was covered in snow, and cold, but he never expected the desert, of all places, to be this bad.

"When we get to the sand kingdom, we all have to make a plan and fix this," Said Winter, trying his best to hope things get better.

"Hey, remember when you and me went to the sand kingdom?" Qibli suddenly said, as if he was trying to change the subject. Winter stiffled a laugh. The most of what he remembered was the two of them tackling each other on the floor as Qibli tried putting the enchanted earring on Winter's ear, when he was enchanted by Darkstalker.

"Yeah, and I almost killed you with my frost breath?" Said Winter, feeling nostalgic when he remembered the pure guilt he felt afterwards, then Qibli woke up demanded for a 'heartfelt apology'.

"Good times, good times..." 

Then all the dragons flew to the ground. Everyone looked tired, and cold. Snowfall settled down on a rock, and everyone turned to watch her.

"Everyone, we have traveled for a while now, and I think it's time we stop to take a rest." THe ICewing queen said, gesturing to the frozen oasis Winter spotted earlier.

Winter's heart sank. He didn't want to rest, he wanted to keep going, and get to the sand kingdom.

"Come on, I think theres a cave over here." A couple dragons, including the Jade winglet,  followed Snowfall down a hill, and into a large hallowed cave beneath it. Winter looked around at the cave, there was a big room where they walked into through the entrance, then at the back of the cave there was a narrow tunnel.

Dragons were laying down, ready to sleep, while Kinkajou and Qibli made torches to light up the cave. 

Finally, Winter and Qibli curled up next to each other so they could rest until they flew again. But as Winter closed his tired eyes, talons shook him awake. "Qibli! Winter! Wake up!" He got on his talons, and nudged Qibli awake. "Qibli! Somethings wrong!" Without a word, they followed Moon down the tunnel and Moon stopped then pointed to a Long dark red vine with bright green veins, and tiny white flowers embedded in it's jagged bright green leaves.

Qibli gasped. "That's the breath of evil."

Ha, ha, cliffhanger! I will give you guys another chapter soon, I'm so hyped for this story.

And Oh my god, This story is in 4th place for quinter!?!? My ship opinions book is in 8th place for quinter! I think the wattpad gods are trying to tell me that I am the quinter queen or something.

Don't ya'll worry, more fluffy quinter stuff comin soon.

Oki, byeee!

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