Chapter 8

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Qibli POV: Qibli stared in horror at the plant before his eyes. The tunnel they were walking through seconds ago widened into a bigger space, and the breath of evil hung like a tapestry over the cave wall.

Qibli entwined his tail around Winter's, and he moved closer to the plant, examining it to be sure this was really the breath of evil. 

But just as Winter's scales brushed the vine, they seemed to engulf the Icewing, and drag him right  through the greenery. "WINTER!" Qibli yelled. With out a second thought, Qibli grabbed Winter, in attempt to pull Winter back into the cave, but it was no use. They were both sucked through the curtain of vines.

Moon's scream died out as everything turned pitch black, and Qibli and Winter clung onto each other as they were sucked into darkness. Is this the end? Thought Qibli, he could feel Winter's talons clinging to his. We will be fine, just stay calm... Thought Qibli, then, he passed out.

(Like ten minutes later or somthing idk.)

Qibli woke up, and felt solid ground beneath him at last. His vision was blurry, but he could see Winter crouching next to him. "Are you alright?" He asked, helping Qibli up. "I-I'm good." He responded shakily.

Qibli stood on his paws, and he felt dazed. What were they doing here? Where was this place? Then, with a sudden feeling of dread, it hit him. They were in the other continent, the home of the breath of evil, they had somehow been brought to the abyss. "Were in the abyss, Winter. The One I told you about, in Pantala."

Keeping their tails intertwined, they looked around the place, and it was just as Qibli remembered. The dead breath of evil vines littered the ground, and a golden throne sat in the back of the room with the dead corpse of Cottonmouth. To Qibli's dismay, Freedom's rotting corpse laid in the dead vines, Qibli even saw remains of Luna's silk around the room.

He shuddered looking at the decaying, well, everything. Then, Qibli heard something slithering towards them, and Winter jumped, back away a bit. "We should probably go-" Before Qibli could finish, a vine of the breath of evil slithered closer to them, faster. Winter shot his frost breath at it, but it shattered into tiny crystals once it hit the evil plant.

Screaming, Qibli and Winter raced around the room feeling the vines, trying to find the portal back to Pyrrhia. Come on! Thought Qibli, as the vine slithered closer to them. Then, Winter brushed the last wall of the room, and they were sucked through the vines, into the darkness. 


Qibli woke up to find himself laying on the cave floor, back in his continent. Him and Winter were still holding onto each other, and Lynx, Turtle, Moon, Kinkajou, and Peril sat in the cave, delighted to see them back. 

"Qibli! Winter! Three moons, Your back!" Cried Moon, rushing over. Winter opened his eyes, and got up. "I don't no what that was, but I'm glad to be back in my own continent," He said. Moon stopped. "Wait, what? Where were you guys?" 

"The vines... they're like a portal to the abyss in PAntala. All of the breath of evil was dead, except for one vine, and this vine, it chased me and Winter." Qibli explained. 

Lynx's eyes widened. "The vine moved? Like it tried to chase you." She asked, trying to understand the story. "Yes," Replied Winter. "And I tried to kill it with my frostbreath, but it didn't work and the ice shattered in the air." Winter told the Icewing. What were they mean't to do if the plant couldn't be killed? Thought Qibli, looking down at his talons. Lynx nodded slowly.

"Maybe this all has to do with the storm." Said Turtle, padding over.

"The living breath of evil, is mind controlling the Hivewings." He finished, looking around at the dragons, who were prossessing his theory. 

Qibli had thought about something like that, but Winter denied it. Maybe after everything they'd seen, Winter would believe that the breath of evil did have a mind of it's own, thought Qibli, walking further away from the breath of evil portal thingy.

"Then we have to destroy the breath of evil so the Hivewings will be free of the mind control," Said Moon. Kinkajou tilted her head in confusion. "We can't kill it though, Winter said he tried killing it with his frostbreath, and it didn't get hit, right?" 

"There has to be another way to kill it," began Qibli, fluffing out his wings. "Maybe their's something about it in the library, at Jade Mountain."

"Then let's go," said Kinkajou. We'll visit Jade Mountain, and check the library." 

Winter POV:

Winter, and the rest of the dragons rested in the cave, but Winter's thoughts kept him awake.  

Just last night, I found out that Qibli loved me. And now, we're... Winter paused his thoughts to find the right word. In a relationship? Winter never had a relationship like that with any dragon, other than his short term crush on Moon, if that even counts.

Him and I should talk, Winter decided, glancing at Qibli, who was curled up on the cave floor, wings tucked in, wide awake.

After gathering up enough courage, he got up and headed to the Sandwing. 

He looked up, and smiled at Winter. "Hey Qibli, can we talk?" Winter asked awkwardly. Qibli nodded, and they headed outside the cave. 

After sitting down next to the frozen oasis, Qibli spoke. "What did you wanna talk about?" Winter fiddled with his claws. Stop! He thought quickly. Look at him! "Er, you and I... are we a thing now?" 

Qibli must have seen how nervous Winter looked, because he wrapped a wing around the Icewing. "I guess we are. And when this is all over, we can go back to Jade Mountain, and be together." 

Winter's heart warmed at the thought. Me and him, being together, after all this it's gonna happen! 

"I still have to tell Snowfall," Winter realized. That's gonna be awkward... "oof, good luck with that. I should tell Thorn when we get to her kingdom." 

Winter and Qibli both stood up to go back in the cave, when Qibli stopped and pecked Winter on his snout. Winter blushed. I love this, he thought. True love.

This time instead of Qibli and Winter sleeping apart, they curled up next to each other, Qibli's scales radiating warmth, making Winter less cold.

Winter slept peacefully.

I updated that quickly.

And here's a possible maybe future quinter dragonet I drew :)

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Maybeee she will be used in future...

Whelp, that was fun. Oki, bye 

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