Chapter 9

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I haven't started writing, and I know this is gonna be one of the most dramatic, emotional, long, and painful chapters in this book.

Winter POV: 

Winter, Turtle, Qibli, and Lynx, were all flying as fast as they could to Jade Mountain. When they would get back to the cave with the rest of the jade winglet, they would kill the breath of evil, and boom! Hivewings freed, and they would all live happily ever after!

Winter sighed. That's how fairy tales worked though. Surely things can't work out that easily, can they? He glanced at the three dragons flying around him. Different tribes, all flying together. Then, he remembered the war of sandwing succession. 

Things were terrible, it seemed as if all hope was lost, and because different tribes interfered, everything worked out. Together, dragons are stronger.

Anything is possible, he thought. We can do this.

He peered down at his surroundings. Two tall mountain peaks, topped with snow, loomed ahead, and Winter squinted to get a closer look. Already, he knew. This was the place, this were they were headed.

The four dragons dove down, and landed at the entrance. Winter stepped ahead, eager to go inside. Instantly, the nostalgia hit him. he passed the huge brass gong, that rang between classes. 

Qibli's wing brushed Winter's as he caught up to him. "This brings back memories." Winter nodded, as they padded into the prey center. "This is where Moon saved Winter's scavenger!" Said Qibli, bounding over to a clearing.

Winter didn't have to follow Qibli to know this was the place. He could perfectly picture Moon crouching down clutching the scavenger in her black talons. Then Qibli walked in, and he fixed everything.

The school still looked in shape, but hadn't been taken care of due to the lack of dragons being there.

Lynx followed along as they ventured through the school, and despite never coming to jade mountain before, she seemed to enjoy it.

The four dragons entered the library, and Turtle padded to the bookshelves, and started searching for the scroll they were looking for.

Everyone split up, and each searched a section of the library. Winter was scanning every scroll rack in his area, reading the labels. astronomy, history, geograghy, he couldn't find anything that would tell them about the breath of evil. 

"Guys! I found the place!" He whipped around at the sound of Turtle's voice, and followed to where he thought Turtle was. Without a word, they all immediately started pulling out scrolls, briefly checking the titles. 

Winter poked at a scroll on the top shelf, and standing on his claw-tips, he was able to reach it without flying.

He carefully un rolled the parchment, and speed read a couple parts. Winter was delighted to come across the words: breath of evil.

"Guys, I found the scroll we're looking for!" Qibli, Lynx, and Turtle raced to his side, and read it. 

There is a curse you can say aloud to kill the breath of evil for good. To do so, you must say these words: wither and decay, end this evil life, break these earthly chains, and be done. 

(OMG, that was horrible)

They all glanced at each other wide-eyed, Lynx nodded. "We know what we have to do." 

Winter rolled up the scroll gently, and tucked it into his pouch, ready to leave, then, CRASH

The cave wall they were standing beside fell over, and snow from outside the mountain started piling in. Winter curled his tail around Qibli's, and they ran out of the library, with Turtle and Lynx by their side. Winter risked a glance back, and saw that the ceiling was starting to crack too.   He turned away, and kept on running through the school, as fast as they could,  evoke more damage could be made to the mountain.

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