Chapter 5

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Winter POV:

Winter, Qibli, and Moon arrived at the palace courtyard, and they noticed that the storm had died down. heaps of glistening white snow covered the courtyard, but had been briefly pushed aside to make room for the visiting dragons. "It seems less cold today." Said Qibli. Winter agreed. "Yeah, the storm isn't as bad right now."

Every Pyrrhian queen had come. Queen Coral, with Anemone harnessed around her, Queen Ruby, Queen Thorn, who was already talking to Qibli, Queen Glory and Deathbringer, and Queen Moorhen.

After everyone greeted each other, everyone grew quiet and Winter watched his cousin walk to the podium. "Hello everyone," Snowfall began. "I'm sorry to make you all come here, especially with this weather, and I know it was a long journey for some," She added, looking apologetically at Coral.

There has been a terrible storm over the Ice kingdom lately, and, I would like to know, is this storm happening in your kingdoms too?"

Dragons turned to one another, saying stuff like: 'See, I told you it's not just our kingdom!' and, 'Yes, the storm turned our desert into a tundra!' 

Despite everyone's chatting, Queen Moorhen was able to be heard by Snowfall clearly. "Yes! All the kingdoms are being bothered by the storm. It snowed in my swamp, that hasn't happened in years."

Snowfall nodded. "Ok, we know that now. Members of the stealth team had visions, and according to them, this storm won't end until something is done," The Icewing queen continued. 

The queens erupted into conversation once again. "Another prophecy?!?! Three moons, what do they want us to do now?" Ruby exclaimed dramatically. Snowfall put her talons up, to stop the worrying dragons. "No! No! Not a prophecy."

Winter and Qibli looked at each other, and Qibli ran and got Moon. "You have to tell her!" Qibli told her, and she nodded. The small Nightwing climbed the podium, and told Snowfall about the vision she had, then turned to share with the queens. 

"We have to get the Hivewings, on Pantala, to be in peace with the other tribes. Especially the Silkwings and Leafwings."

Everyone gasped. "And just how exactly do we do that?" Asked Glory, looking confused. 

"We don't know how to fix this yet." Said Snowfall. Winter noticed Qibli was quiet. Oddly quiet. He was thinking deeply, and didn't look up. Winter got up, to ask him what he was doing. But before he could even stand, the Sandwing's face lit up. 

"Winter! I know how we do it!" Qibli said, bouncing over to him. "Wha-What do you mean?" Said Winter, intimidated by his sudden enthusiasm. "The Hivewings! Maybe theres another source of the breath of evil somewhere. Maybe that's whats controlling them!"

Winter didn't think this made sense. "Qibli, maybe the Hivewings are just mad because they want to be, and didn't Wasp use the breath of evil to mind control the dragons?" 

Qibli hesitated, in disappointment. "But..." Winter shook his head. "I don't think so Qibli. It just doesn't make sense."


Qibli POV:

After the meeting, Qibli, Moon and Winter headed back to Winter's room in the palace.

Then, Qibli wondered. Where to now? He thought, He helped Thorn as an outclaw, then he left for jade mountain, then he defeated Darkstalker with his winglet, and then he joined the stealth team and saved Pantala. But what now?

He couldn't leave his friends though. He loved his winglet. So Qibli turned to Winter, and asked him. "Winter, where do we go now?" Winter looked confused. "What exactly do you mean?" 

"Well, we defeated Darkstalker, then the othermind, but Jade Mountains closed from the storm. Where do we go?"

"I... don't know." Said Winter, sighing. "You could go back to the Sand Kingdom," said Moon. "Be an Outclaw again, help Thorn." 

"No. I'll miss my winglet." Moon smiled. "When Jade mountain opens back up, I'll definitely go." Winter perked up. "Me too!" But Qibli didn't know. "What if the storm didn't end? Jade Mountain will never open."

Winter smacked Qibli with his tail. "What is the matter with you? Where's the real Qibli?" He said, entwining his tail around Qibli's. "We'll find a way, we can stop the storm," Said Moon, coming around and entwining her tail around the both of theirs. 

Now Winter's blue spiky tail was curving around Qibli's tail while avoiding the poisonous barb, and Moon's black one entwined around both their tails. 

"You guys are right. When this is all over, we can go back to Jade Mountain, and be together." 

That was all Qibli wanted. Him, and his closest friends. 

Then, the door opened, and Turtle and Kinkajou came in. "Uh... Maybe I should have knocked." He said. The three dragons got up, all of them blushing. 

Moon laughed nervously, and Winter stepped further away from her.

"So, after the storm ends, will you two come back to Jade Mountain?" Asked Qibli, trying to change the subject. Turtle shrugged. "I guess. I have nothing else to do with my life, and my

 family in the sea kingdom doesn't really want me there, so, yeah, I'll go." 

Kinkajou nodded. "If you guys go, of course I'm going!" 

Qibli smiled. Everything is gonna be fine.

Sorry, this is kind of short. But I loved writing that Qibli POV, I love the trio of Moon, Winter, and Qibli as best friends.

And heres some random fanart I found.

And heres some random fanart I found

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Ha ha, this is adorable.


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