Chapter 2

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Winter pov:

Winter was an insecure dragon. He was raised by cruel parents, and it left him mentally scarred. He was agressive at times, and took out his anger on others sometimes. However, there was one important event that changed everything. Jade Mountain. There, Winter met dragons like no others. Moon, Turtle, Peril, Qibli, and even Kinkajou.

These were the first dragons who didn't hate him.

They thought of him as a true friend.

But Winter only had one dragon he truly loved more than anything. That dragon was Qibli. Winter loved Qibli because.... Winter didn't know exactly. But Qibli made him laugh, and was there when he needed him.

Winter missed Qibli when he left to defeat the othermind with the rest of the secret stealth team.

Winter thought it was silly, but secretly loved the idea. A few months back, him and Qibli joked about getting married. Qibli started it, and Winter knew it was completely a joke.

But Winter loved Qibli and kind of wanted it to be more than a joke.

Winter was in the Ice Kingdom, where he was when Qibli and the rest of the secret stealth team left to fight the othermind, in Pantala. It was dark out, and Winter couldn't sleep, no matter how hard he tried. So he headed out to the snowy shore of the Ice Kingdom, and thought about things.

It was then when he remembered the dream visitor.

He jumped up, and without hesitation, raced to the Icewing outpost, which not to far away, and grabbed the dream visitor from inside.

He sat in the snow, and held the blue sapphire to his forehead. Qibli, he thought. I want to see Qibli.

Winter opened his eyes, he was exactly where he was before entering the dream, in the Ice Kingdom, at the beach.

Qibli was talking to another dragon, which seemed to be another version of Winter. Winter was shocked. He's dreaming about me? Winter stepped closer, and hid behind a rock.

Qibli spoke. "Winter, I missed you so much when I left! You don't even know."

The false Winter was talking to Qibli back now. "Qibli, I missed you too! Three weeks without you is not something I want to live through again."

The real Winter felt tears falling down his face. He decided to step out from behind the boulder and have the real him talk to Qibli.

But as Winter walked to the Sandwing, His surroundings began to change. A dark void replaced the snowy beach, and a voice spoke to Qibli.

The worst of the storm is yet to come....

Winter could see the fear written all over Qibli's face. 'What? NO! I don't...

Winter tried running to Qibli's side, but a strange force blocked his path. He yelled frantically trying to get Qibli to hear him, but it didn't work. "QIBLI! I'M RIGHT HERE! QIBLI!!!!"

He couldn't hear Winter at all. The voice continued.

It will all be over Qibli... Over.

The dream ended, and Winter was back on the beach. His face was still stained with tears, and he cried harder.

Winter's head was whirling with thoughts.

Who was talking to Qibli?

What storm?

And worst of all... Was something bad really going to happen?

Winter sat in the sand and stared at the half frozen sea before his eyes. The Icewing softly whispered to himself.

"Qibli, I miss you I hope your alright. i promise, what ever happens, we'll get through it together."

That night, Winter slept on the beach. He wanted nothing more than to see Qibli.

Qibli pov:

Moon and Lynx urged him to rest, but he insisted on flying. He wanted to see Winter.
Moon hovered by his side. "Qibli, what exactly happened last night, in your..." She paused to find the right word. "Dream." Qibli thought for a moment. She's Moon, he thought looking into her forest green eyes. I can tell her.

"I was having a normal dream, when it changed. I was in a dark void, where something talked to me it said that... the worst of the storm is yet to come.

What he didn't tell Moon was that the mysterious voice knew his name, and told him: It will all be over Qibli... over.

Qibli cringed at the haunting words. Moon looked shaken. "Qibli, that sounds like a prophecy. Like, what if the storm never ends until it's fulfilled?"

Before Qibli could take in what the Nightwing had told him, Tsunami sped ahead next to them.

"Did you just say prophecy?!?!?!" Said Tsunami, panicking. Tsunami hated prophecies. "We were thinking Qibli's dream was a sign of a prophecy coming." Moon responded. "So the storm doesn't end until it's fulfilled." Explained Qibli.

All of a sudden, thunder sounded ahead. The storm was back.

Qibli shivered as rain began pelting down from the clouds. This is no ordinary storm he thought.


I Uploaded!

I loved writing this :)

i hope you enjoyed the second chapter of my story.


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