Chapter 6

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 You will read it, and you will like it!

Winter POV: 

It was the afternoon, and the Jade Winglet sat in Winter's room. After some talking, everyone agreed and wanted to go back to Jade Mountain again once it opens back up.

"Hey, Winterrrr," Said Qibli. Winter hesitated. Nothing good happened when Qibli said his name like that. "Yeah, Sandsnorter?" Then, Qibli sat up, and cleared his throat dramatically, until every dragon in the room was watching.

"Did you guys know... THAT ICE CUBES FLOAT IN THEIR OWN BLOOD?!?!" 

"OMG, YOUR RIGHT!!!" Said Kinkajou. But the Sandwing wasn't done yet.

"AND... If a teacher can't teach all subjects, how come students have to study all of them?" "So unfair!" Said Peril.

"AAANNDDD... We have watermelon. BUT, there should also be fire melon, earth melon, and air melon."

"Ok, Qibli, you can stop now." Said Winter, then Turtle got up. "I'ma go rethink my life real quick," Said Turtle, before walking into a wall.

Moon laughed, "Qibli, I think you tortured us all just now." Qibli sat back down "What, it was funny! We need to learn facts like that at Jade mountain."

"Indeed!" Said Kinkajou, her scales turning an amused yellow.

Out of the corner of his eye, Winter saw Moon get up and slide something into the pouch on Qibli's leg. What the heck was she doing? He thought, Qibli didn't seem to notice her.

Then, winter heard a dragon knocking on the wood door of his room. The six dragons looked at each other, waiting for some one to open the door. Realizing he was probably the best option, becaue he was an Icewing, Winter opened it, and was greeted by Lynx.

"Hi, guys. Snowfall wanted you guys to come down, I think its a meeting with the Icewings, she said it was important." Said Lynx.

Peril stood up on her talons, and everyone followed her out the door. Qibli walked behind the fire scales dragon, but slowed down for Winter to catch up to him so they could walk side by side and chat. This was a common thing the two friends did since they met. 

At the thought of their past, Winter remembered how Qibli changed Winter. Winter was so insecure, and moody, his family had made him that way from treating him badly. But on that faithful first day at Jade Mountain, a certain Sandwing changed everything.

Winter guessed he had been smiling, because then Qibli turned to meet his eyes. "What?" He quickly stopped smiling and shook his recent thoughts away. "Nothing. Nothing." But that wasn't enough to convince Qibli, his handsome smirk grew, and he narrowed his eyes. "Okaaay..."

Aarrgghh, why does he have to be so cute? Winter thought, wait, did I just...

Winter rolled his eyes, and softly punched Qibli. "Stop it!" The Sandwing put a paw to his chest. "Ack, you hit me! I'm wounded... Winter, I'm not going to make it!" Winter laughed, "Your fine!" 

Then, they arrived in the Icewing courtyard they had been in only a couple hours ago, but this time it was all Icewings that were there.

Snowfall stood on the podium, and she frowned. Every dragon looked discouraged, and upset. Winter then tucked in his wings out of discomfort, and he realized that Qibli was shuffling closer to Winter, his scales being the only warm thing in the courtyard. 

"Everyone, our kingdom has always been the coldest place in Pyrrhia, and us Icewings are built to survive it. But, the storm has made it even colder, and not even we can survive it, let alone our guests." She said, gesturing to Qibli, and the rest of the winglet. The crowd gasped, as if they all new what their queen was about to tell them all. "My point is... we can't stay here," Snowfall finished.

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